Hey PRC,
there was some clubs in Bremen Viertel that worked in similar way. Take a entry fee for a daily membership in the "Verein für Lebensfreude" and such.
But they sell "modded Apfelsaftschorle" as a beer
Now this club is closed.
Anyway. I could support the OCM cave with a Paperboy and Quadro or 3-1 Millipede, Centipede, Missile Command. Additionally I could imagine to put some bartops there. At least I need logistic help.
Do you plan requirements for placing a cab there? Runtime, working condition, time how long a cab at least must reside in cave, coiner procedure?
Further I collected tons of test equipment like logic chip tester, logic analyzer, Ozi, Fluke 9010 plus pods, PCB Test Stations and so on.
Wouldn't it be great to add a little garage for repairing arcade electronics? Concept could be to have an access to rare equipment for trained(!) people. My hope is to spread the knowledge of repairing arcade stuff by having at least the possibility.