Author Topic: Raiders of the lost Kong(s)  (Read 11022 times)


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Raiders of the lost Kong(s)
« on: May 04, 2013, 12:45:24 PM »
Ok, this is an semi-autenthic story about what happened Thursday 2 April 2013. Most people in the world would think what happened to be of less significance but some would think it's epic. Jelousy alert! You have been warned!
Ok, woke up as usual at 10.00. Damn, I have more free time than I'm working. (works 10 days and free 20/month) and I'm sooo bored!

Well, what to do today then? Yes, some Donkey Kong j.r via MAME (as all other gamingdays). DK j.r on a Plasma screen? Wtf! Looks like shit and I have to play on a modded Sega-Saturn-Astro-Arcade-joystick as well! Nope, this sucks horseshit.

I really need something real today, but what? Well, well takes a nap on the sofa starts daydreaming me off a little.. Finally inside the inner thoughts of the chaotic inner world of arcade I say for my self - Dear Pacman, of all people in the world, who do I want to be?
(Editors note: this story is originally in Swedish but "Han" means "Him")

Meh, I guess I want to be Billy when I think about it. He IS King og King personified and so am I here on AT (, Swedens only arcadesite). Nope I want a real arcade game this time. Was a looong time ago I bought one. Ok, how common are DK and j.r  here in Sweden then? Let's check AT.. Wtf! No one, NO ONE owns one except a girl living in USA who has logged in once. There were two j.r however but none for sale. So there are none official DK in Sweden! Hell! What to do? Yes, Swedens largest sell/buy site might be the answer. Hmm, FS: Donkey Kong och Donkey Kong j.r arcadegames... Well, well, well got it instantly! BUT, no pictures, telephonenumber or name.. Can't believe what I (not)see. Anyway, got a hint since the ad says they're located in the town of Årjäng.  Well, Årjäng is not so big and only 150km away so I decide, I'll go in blind! Well, outside I... Nooo, why the hell did I buy a Audi TT?

Do I have to cut the cabs in pieces if I ever find them? Nope, let's borrow my stepsons trailer and the Mrs car...

Årjäng, here we cum! Some standard roadtrip-gear not to forget before I go...

15km later. Eh, Årjängstrollet (the Troll of Årjäng. A really ugly statue). Was that all? Can't believe this so I walk around a little where I meet a nice lady in her 40-50-ies in her garden. Eh, excuse me? Do you know where Donkey Kong is? Fugitive from the psychatric ward she answers?...

Eh, no but have you ever heard about the popular Nintendo Game & Watch that was popular in the 80-ies? (this is a standard question I always ask a non-believer when I want to explain who DK is) No answer. But since she doesn't force me out of her garden I guess she know more than I think. Time for some improvising or rather simulation..

She looks at me as if I was insane but she was a little impressed of my show so she takes me a few meters away at the back of the house and points, THERE!

She close the door and I walk to the forest she pointed out.. Nothing, nichts, nada! What the hell!!! The only thing I see beside the trees are a guy in the bushes. His name is apparently Brian and the only thing he says is something like "kill screen"

Anyway, he has some useful info and he tells me of a man called Elof who seems to know more.  He give me an estimate explanation where to find Elof. Closing in now. I arrive to a farm but I can only see trucks and other crap. I keep strolling and.. What in the name of f*ck!, there is Donkey Kong and his son.

Ok, the owner wearing a shotgun asks "what the hell do you want?" Please calm down, I have come for the advertise on Blocket. It didn't really show so much but it seems that I have finally come to the right place? Yes, indeed he answered. I you want Kong you have come to the right place... Unfortunately this man knows what he has so I will not have these cheap. But we agree for 5000 SEK (ca 500 GBP?) A bargain after all.

We do as all Värmlänningar (from the county of Värmland in sweden) does after a closed deal. A real MALE handshake.

Did a quick loading since there are others in our country who wants this with their life. So beutiful colors..What condition!

Finally home! Yes, I AM the Swedish King of Kong now! The (perhaps) only owner of one in this country!!

« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 12:52:35 PM by dimmu--borgir »


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Re: Raiders of the lost Kong(s)
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2013, 02:14:35 PM »
cool story bro ;D

nice catch


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Re: Raiders of the lost Kong(s)
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2013, 03:35:51 PM »
woho, two dks in sweden - what a catch. congratulations! any chance to get the real story behind it?

Ok, woke up as usual at 10.00. Damn, I have more free time than I'm working. (works 10 days and free 20/month) and I'm sooo bored!

sounds like a cool life, although i can't sleep till 10 even if i wanted to - i'm an early bird, doesn't matter when i go to bed, 8 is the latest i wake up automatically. may i ask what your job is?
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: Raiders of the lost Kong(s)
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2013, 06:37:03 PM »
this is a weird roadtrip .....but finding two DKs....WOW!  :spaceace:  :)


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Re: Raiders of the lost Kong(s)
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2013, 08:49:50 PM »

Looks like you had some buzzing fun all the way down the road  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Love this story made me LOL a lot and CONGRATS !!!


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Re: Raiders of the lost Kong(s)
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2013, 10:32:48 PM »
Wow, you scored TWO Ninty' ...  :shock: ...CONGRATULATION!

I love this story!  ;D

 :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace:


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Re: Raiders of the lost Kong(s)
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2013, 12:03:55 AM »
Wow, great and interesting story and an absolute bargain for two of those wonderful cabs. Congrats, dude!! As you predicted: I am jealous now  ;)


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Re: Raiders of the lost Kong(s)
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2013, 09:59:17 AM »
It seems that there's alot of awesome cabs in the land of Sweden! Congrats on the new cabinets, awesome score.
I need a Berzerk! Hook me up :)


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Re: Raiders of the lost Kong(s)
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2013, 09:29:21 PM »
Thank you all. I'm glad I could amuse you a little.

@Superully. #1: Got a tip from a fellow collector. #2: Works as a nurse i Norway. Drugs and psychiatric patients. Works 3 days (24h x3) and free 7 days and then works 4 Days and 7 off and works 3 etc, etc.. Not much to do but VERY good payment. Food is for free (limited budget though)

@Luigi: Weird? How do you figure?  ;)

@Level42: Yes, used everything for unknown purposes exept the Pepsi max... :?


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Re: Raiders of the lost Kong(s)
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2013, 10:56:19 PM »
I want that job !


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Re: Raiders of the lost Kong(s)
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2013, 10:58:33 PM »
Drugs and psychiatric patients.

I want that job !

Me too! You take the psychiatric patients, and I'll take the drugs, okay?  ;D ;D ;D
No arcade cab(s) yet, but happy owner of 2 Colecovisions, 2 Amigas and a pc running Mame.