Hi guys, I've been a long time lurker here but this is my first post.
I've recently purchased a reproduction Nintendo cabinet from Troy at
http://www.arcadeworx.com.au/ in Australia.
Rather than do a Donkey Kong or Mario Bros or something I decided to go with Mario vs Donkey Kong as I really liked the artwork from the GBA game of the same name.
As I don't have lots of room at home for lots of cabs I'm going for a control panel that has two joysticks, 6 buttons each plus squeeze in a trackball and spinner.
Any way here some of the artwork I'm going to use.


Side Art

Control Panel


The cabinet arrived Ikea style.

Putting it together.

Half way there.

Two hours later, finished.

Once finished this is where it's going to sit.

Then I decided I would pull it apart to paint it, should have done this before I put it together the first time.
First coat of primer MDF primer going on.