Hi All,
I recently bought a Japanese Sega F355 shell from ebay, no boards,no psu, but the monitor and the general condition was fair.

My aim was to convert this Mame /Model2 /Model3 and Vivanonno emus but to do it with respect and not destroy any of the original cables. So that it can returned back to hardware at any time.
I started to tear down the cab for cleaning and inspection.

First issue was that the PSU was a Japanese spec 110V. So I couldn't test the monitor. I needed a 240V - 110V step down which I got from VidetronicsUK.

I changed the AC inlet for a euro model.

After sorting the power conversion, I thought I would start adding NOS decals to start transforming F355 to Outrun 2.

The panels were in fair shape but not to my standards. I was also lucky and purchased the last NOS side decals from Sega Shed. So I decided to get the panels repaired and resprayed ferrari rosso red before applying the decals.


And with the new decals added.

I also got a coin tower for the cab. and decided to get that and other metal parts powder coated...


Ok, now to replace all the dash as it had lots of cigarette burns, rust and cracks so I replaced the plastics with a new dash and NOS steering wheel and gear shifter.
The old dash...

The new parts....

I have added a PC i5 2400 running at 3.2ghz and ATI 6850 graphics card running from an SSD and also using an SLG3000 scan line generator and an Apac.
I installed the PC version of Outrun coast to coast, Crazy taxi, Crazy Taxi 3, Model 2, Model 3, and Mame and have the PC shelled and use a front end for game selection.

also I added an amp and a sub woofer.

So the cab is now ready....

Ok, lets fire it up...

I have done a video showing the performance of Outrun 2 and other games...
Well it took a lot of time and money but I'm very pleased with the results. It now has pride of place in my games room.

I was able to find the very rare Japanese top flash from an ID 4 cabinet, I have seen these used on some Outrun 2 cabs in the far east, I was going to get a reproduction Outrun 2 vinal. but i decided to leave it as is.

Please click the link for the video of the cab in action.