...... Space Pirate ...... has dedicated artwork all over .....
Hm, is that the case? I thought that Space Pirate and Space fortress share the same side art and bezel.
Anyway, your post triggered me to do some more search about the art of Moon Crest.

Not much to find though.
There are more cabs with the same side art image as moon Crest, for instance


But with both cabs there is no art connection with the marqee, but there is with Moon Crest:

Notice also that the color scheme of the Moon Crest side art is different than with Phoenix and Quasar
This could suggest that Moon Crest was first, and for ease of use Phoenix and quasar, also 1980's games, got the same side art as Moon Crest, with a diffrent color scheme and no matching Marguee art.
Or Moon Crest was not first, but for some reason the Zaccaria co. decided to put a matching Marquee on the game.
And the bezel also remains somewhat of a mystery. Both Space Fortress and Space Pirat have the same bezel on the official flyer,and the above shown Moon Crest has it also. Again, all three games are from 1980. But the bezel has a specific kind of twinkling star, which is not on the side art of Space Fortress and Space Pirat, but it is on the side art of Moon Crest.
The CPO of both Space Pirat and Moon Crest show these same twinkling stars.
You guys might think `bloody hell, what is he babbling about', but I find the Moon Crest cab very mysterious and also very beautiful.
Well, one night sleep and then I will see the cab wit my own eyes.