it might be a jealous jealous of you lot having loads of money and all those cabs, and massive gamerooms....perhaps its that!
I can only speak for me and my mate Dirk: we have all but loads of money!! Most of the cabs we received have been gutted and had to be restored or at least repaired. Dirk is not rich, but he runs a little business with alarm systems and bought the hall for storage (and tax) reasons. There was an empty room 6x10m. We started to paint it and installed cables and outlets and put some cabs inside. Peu á peu as the french say

It slowly grew to what it is today and so was the cab collection. There were only a few cabs that we paid "big" money for. Space Duel for example. We bought PCBs, cleaned, repaired and sold them so we could afford more and new stuff.
As for others: well, they might have a little more money they can spend because they have a good job or no kids/family. But they also put a lot, and I mean LOT of work into restoring the cabs.
So there's no reason to be jealous. It takes some patience instead. Try to find other people in your area that are interested in videogames. maybe one of them has room left and you can have your own gameroom. Maybe not in your house but I too have no gameroom at home. Only one cab.
Make a start, buy a small cab for your home!