NO SLEEP 'TIL HAMMERSMITH LIVERPOOLSo the meeting point is now fixed to the 4th of February... 8:00am ... at Mostyn [North Wales], close to Liverpool, at approx 1000km from my house!
Too bad, I can't have a day off at my job the day before!

So it means that we will have to drive right after a day of work, all the evening/night long, without sleeping... and hope to be on time for the 'big boat party'

It's gonna be rock'n'roll...
Friday, the 3rd of February / 5:00 pmBecause the boat is located in the middle of nowhere...

...a serious preparation is required! This time, my usual 'road trip' stuff won't be enough... and what a great opportunity to use back boots like this

I have not worn them since more than 20 years! This road trip gonna be historical in many ways I think

OK, all I need is ready

The weather forecast here in Belgium is not too good...and I don't even dare checking the forecast in UK

...but we have no choice! We must drive to that ship at any cost!
Temperatures are really low since few days : -12 °C during the night, -5 °C the day...

The final destination is the ship! Here's the travel to do

Remember, we are Friday the 3rd of February, 5:20PM and we must be over there at 8:00am
tomorrow! Ok, no time to lose! Ready for departure...
(clock is not correct on my car, it's really 17:27 at the moment)Fortunately, I won't travel alone during this adventure... Chrischris is also a lucky member of this 'Bulk buy'. He's in charge to rent the truck. I just will use my car to go to his place. From there, we'll use the van. So I set my Nav Car to 'ChrisChris' home...

Ok, 185km... 1h49 min driving estimation time... piece of cake, for the smallest travel 'segment' of this adventure...

While I'm on the road to the ChrisChris's home, I got a phone call from him. Remember, he has to pick up the van at the rent car company, located at 35 km from his place.
He's stuck in the traffic jam because of the snow! The rent agency closes at 6:00pm. He called their office to ask them to wait a little bit over 6:00pm, because he's so close from their office, but unfortunately stuck. The guy over the phone says : NO... because he must leave as soon as possible, he is also worried about the snow

Chris explains him how important having this truck is... but the guy doesn't really agree! Chris called him 4 times!!! every 10 minutes... imploring his help! Also by offering an extra €€€... but the guy has to quit the office on time

Damn it! What to do with no truck? We don't want to miss a such adventure! The B plan would be to go there anyway with my car, and using the Chris trailer... in that case we can bring back only two cabinets

...but a least, we will see the boat! Ok, that will be the B plan!
Chris calls me once again, and ask me If I could convince him. So I call the guy.... and ... with some kind of magic, the guy says : "OK men, I stay here... take your time... I wait for you...'

There must be arcade Gods with us today

The reason why the guy changed his mind : he had a concert planned tonight, but because of the snow that paralyzed all the country (a total 1600 km of traffic jam in Belgium!!!), he (and his wife) decided not to go there... so no more rush for him

...and the truck for us!
For information, the truck rental company is located at
35 km from Chrischris home... and he drove for
two hours and half to go there!!!
Snow? 1600km of traffic jam? It's very quiet for now, in south Belgium

One hour later... opppss

Damn it! Why the road trip is scheduled this week end... nightmare condition for driving

My trip to Chrischris should take less two hours, and I finally arrive after 3h30 min! Our timing was already very tight, we did not need 'any delay' in addition!

Ok, let's be positive! We have the's gonna be a great adventure...

ChrisChris will be the first to drive...

It's 9:19pm ...

...and we must be at Calais before 0:15am for 'Le shuttle'. In my road trip plan, I calculated a 'bonus' of 2-3 hours in case of delay, so we are still in schedule for now. Here's the rest of the trip to do ... before tomorrow morning!

We have now approx 2h30min to drive in order to reach the Eurotunnel. No problem during the first hour and half... but when arriving at Lille

Stuck in traffic!!!
TWO HOURS LATER!!!.... It's now clear we missed the scheduled train!!! We are now OUT OF SCHEDULE!!!
Worst than that, I don't know what is the schedule for the next train. During daytime there is a train every 30 or 40 minutes I think, but in the night, maybe one train every two hours?!!!

...and few hundred meters further... same chaos!

I use that wasted time for taking some rest... coz I'll be the 'driver' in UK...

30 minutes later... looks like the end of the world here! I know it's 2012 this year, right?! But...
"Listen, God of the's something like my 50th road trip so far...and I never had such problem? WTF today?"
"That day on the Galaxian Theater, what did I say to you? What were my words to you? Maybe it was your time to lose. You didn't think so."
"Lose? I don't lose! I win! I win! I'm a Road Triper'! That's my job, that's what I do!" 
I rest my case."

And the nightmare continues...

So much troubles everywhere... the Chrischris Nav' Car goes mad... each red square means accident...

Holy Jesus... see the clock

After spending more than
3 HOURS AND 30 MINUTES for few km driven, the situation starts to change now... better late than never!
And you know what was the problem? The snow of course, yes... but the true reason is ... the trucks!!! The officers directed trucks on a single way, which paralyzes the entire highways for hours

Our last hope now is to catch a train around 4h00am! But I'm not sure what are the train scheduled during the night to be honest

At least, we arrive at the Eurotunnel...

Let's put my credit card and see what will be our the departure time...



In short : You're too late for your initial reservation! Next departure available... 07:20 AM
...07:20AM??? ...07:20AM??? ...and of course, please add an extra fee : 63€
ChrisChis : "So what Bruno?"
Me : "..."
Eurotunnel : "Do you copy Mr Bruno? The next departure will be 07:20AM... I repeat ... the next departure will be 07:20AM!"

ChrisChis : "What does it means Bruno?"
Me : "We just lost the
Moon boat..."