This time, it gonna be very easy

I'm preparing my 'weapon'


... very similar to this one isn't it

...ok, so like it said... it will be a very easy roadtrip this time ... coz the seller is really close to my house, check it out :

... 12 km to go, thank my lord
The usual pictures... for history

Do you notice... 36° Celsius... a world record in Belgium !!!

... as fast as the F14 Tomcat... sorry for the picture 'fast motion'

... and 20 minutes later, we are 'on location' :

SO, I"m here for an
After Burner upright dedicated cab
Let's check the F14 simulator, made by Sega in 1987

The game in working, the force feed back is ok, but the two red lights on top and the 'lock' light don't work. The side art on the right is complete.
The right side art is damaged as you can see on the following picture :

... but it's ok for me. Deal ! I've to save that cabinet !!!

By the way, I didn"t check If that After Burner cab can be loaded into my car... boah... that cab seems to have a common size...

...a quick picture, for my sponsor

Let's load it :

...ops... it's bigger then expected ...

Holy Jesus

'cannot close ...

What if I push the seat to the max ?'s ok now but ...

...impossible to drive like that of course !!!

Fortunately my wife is much 'thiner' then I, so she'll drive

... and 25 minutes later, we are *safe at home, with a new toy in the kitchen :

Next step : clean that baby, and fix the lights

Stay TuNed