the christmas holidays also give me time (and energy) to finish some dreaded jobs - one of them is replacing those bullsh** omron switches used on the controllers. remember: i was able to play
ONE round of vindicators before the first button decided to say good-bye.

those switches are doomed to die eventually, but there are good reliable replacements out there, found in old computer keyboards. through an enormous effort, etienne managed to salvage a full bag of switches during his
PROJECT KEYBOARD and thankfully handed me a couple of those during eurocade. now, almost four months later, i decided it was finally time to give those switches a try! out comes the bag

let's compare those switches: original omron switch on the left, keyboard switch on the right

not too many differences, this could actually work!

however, when i try to insert them into the controller handles, i have to realize that they are too wide and so they won't slide in completely

no problem, brute force is always a solution

. out comes the rasp!

after making the switches thinner, they fit in nicely (forgot to take a picture, sorry). soldered the wires to the new switches and after more than two hours of screwing, filing and soldering all the buttons register nicely on the test screen!

thx again for your efforts, etienne, luckily it paid off! now the game can finally be played without the fear of those buttons failing ...