Starring : Darth Nuno, Alain (my neighbor)In the previous episode, remember, I played my first game in a 'degraded mode'...

...'degraded mode' meaning a game with the right picture 'blue color component missing'

It's 'funny' because when you have a look at the right projector (pictured on the left in the following picture), you can see the blue tube 'on', and if you put your eye against it, you can see the blue part of the picture inside...but something inside (and its not a simple 'lamp' to change like others kind of projectors) is not powerful enough to project the blue part of the picture on the screen...

Note the other projector shines like a sun!

During my first game, I haven't noticed one of the four sounds channels was missing, which I discovered during this 'sound' test

'Front Right' sound is missing!
Many possibilities :
- The laser disc player output
- The amps output
- The speaker himself
- Wires between all that stuff
OK let's start by the end... the front speakers...

Let's inverse them (the wires)...

OK, the sound supposed to be 'front left' is now playing on the right speaker, and this time no sound coming from the front left speaker. It means that the problem is before the speakers, so let's see the amp that manages the sounds for the front (screen) of the theater.
Hey too easy, after slowly moving one the cinch at the back of the amp, the missing sound channel is back, hell yeah!

While I'm here, let's also check the theater lighting, and figure out what have to be replaced in a next stage...

...that could be worse after so many years of sleep, 'cold' locations and!

Ok, back of the right projector problem (blue missing). I fortunately have a spare one!

I got it from Bigjeje during this
event. It's a special projector... because it was used on an other Galaxian Theater! The one located in Paris, in 'La tĂȘte dans les nuages" game room, the biggest one in Paris at the time. Bigjeje is working there, and he sold me the last GT6 parts left...including that projector!
But I never tested it, so it'll be the surprise!
After replacing the 'right project' by that *spare* one, with the help of Alain, my neighbor, let's power on that monster again!

Bluuuuuuue!!! yeahhhh!!!!

After setting the projectors alignments...

Let's try to have the best color settings on both projector...

Not perfect for sure, but I'm moooooooooooooore than happy with that!

Now it's time for a game in 'better condition', isn't it?

Welcome the the Nuno's Lair V3