Hey all
I as wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of an ultracade dl/sa/dl2 machine? I visited Finnys place today and after much deliberation over the past few months as to what is going to be the best machine for me to buy (was originally gonna go for a dl2) I think that they are just a bit too big for my flat, and so the ultracade 20th anniversary model (the yellow one) would be the most practical although it is an emulated version and not an original for the time being, I am going to try to get one of these. I have asked jase to see if he can help track one down, but thought I would also see if anyone here could point me in the right direction, or shed some light as to where is best to start looking? Also whats the difference between an ultracade version and a jamma / daphne version?
i am totally new to the cab scene so please forgive me my noobish questions, but figured if any group would know, it'd be you guys!
Thx alot in advance
Adam (spyfox)