Hey Bruno (and the Gang!)
Glad ya liked the 'Space Ass' animatic....
Sadly, however, the 'attract mode' trailers for these games are as much as I plan to do with these projects, as the response from the Family Guy 'fans' at Alex Borsteins site (BBS) was really bad...I was accussed of 'kissing Seths ass' (among other nasty things) and 'pimping myself'' so I dont see any point to continuing work (a lot of it would be required) for such a group of dickweeds...
HOWEVER, I have always wanted to make an animated toon game, like 'Draons Lair' or 'Space Ace'...so Im doin' just that!
However, it will be based on my STARtoons characters, rather than utilizing copyrighted characters...this way, I can do whatever I like!
The game, entitled 'Retro Rescue', centers around Nikki and Nero (my STARtoons characters) being sent into cyberspace to rescue all the arcade classics characters from wiped from existance by a bad guy (who happens to suck at video games) called 'The Retronator'.
The game will be a first (I think) encorporating animated sequences the player interacts w/, plus 'mini games' in each level that pay tribute to arcade classics.
Heres a few seconds of full color animation featuring Nikki in a 3D enviorment (3D animations created just for this game by Shade, a pal of mine)...
http://www.karcreat.com/NikkiMaze001.avi...a screencap can be seen here...

...Let me know what ya think!