here there are, scr33n...
It's automn, without nay doubt, weather doesn't seem to be with us today :

We're on 2010, october the 23rd. It's about 10 o'clock, ready for action.

Go ahead to catch my partner for this road trip, like last time, it's "Une ombre noire." (a black shadow).
half an hour later, i'm on Ronald's parking to pick him up :

Another 1/2h later, time for lunch, so that we can forget about this.

I know "Ombre" was a juge Mayonnaise fan, but not at that point...

We're now ready for the afternoon, time for new adventures :

Really cool, weather is gonna be nicer as we drive. We reach the "Vosges" and the weather is really sunny.

So far we're almost blind because of the sun


Driving with that weather in such beautiful automn colored montain lanscape is a real pleasure.

During our way we follow some strange vehicules...

We reach the round point of the "wee-wee" pause :

Damned, I've been caught by the patrol

Ad time for our sponsor :

And we're back on track :

We aren't that far now, and overall it will even be faster as a new road is now open.
We couldn't take it 2 weeks ago. We will earn 10 or 15 minutes easliy.
My GPS is now completily lost.

We are now arrived. "Carotte" already prepared some nice goodies for the goal of this road trip.
A spare bezel and user and technical documentations about the pole position cabinet

As usual, we decide to throw away the boring business : loading the cab in the car :

Pole position cab is a bigger cab that the space invaders is. It's a bit tricky to load.

Pfff, The door is closed, it's the most important. Notice the custom small wheels, as an attemps to make the cab self moving :

Now that everything is over before we go, We have some time to spend in the "kitchen garden of the Carott" :
Here the workshop, in an almost panoramic view :

Heyyyyy, wait a minute, You won't pass over the "discs of tron" cab like you did last time ?
No, no, here are some additional pictures (unfortunately we did not move the cab :

Let's go now in the game room :
close to the door,
a nice small Sega Aero City and a classic sega naomi universal cabinet.

Reste of the row featuring a sega rally upright and a hang-on upright cab :

At the end of the row, you find a lost world cab and a super hang-on deluxe :

near you have a sega touring car twin :

We finish this corner with a Library full of pcbs of all kind (almost only 80ies classics)
Really impressive

What can you find on the other side of the entrance door ?
pac mania and rolling thunder...

blasteroid and roadblaster...

Rampage and creatures of the black lagoon (straight in front of it)

Is it enough for you ? What about the middle of the room :
A babyfoot (don't know the name outside France) with a cult "New Look" magazine from 1982 found in a Space Invaders cabinet :

this kind of magazine are for male audience only. It includes some X-rated pictiures but not porn. It was famous during the 80ies
as famous people were posing naked for the magazine

Un massive sega thunder blade :

And a amazing out run deluxe with its galaxian cocktail :

Last time we came, we were frustrated as the speed gear was blocked in hi position, so that we couldn't reach the check points

This time, as we had some time to spend, "Ombre" replace the broken switch :

Small video starring "une ombre noire", we already have to go, we have some road to drive, do let's go :

Few hours later, we're almost arrived :

Welcome committee :

Pictures of the beast :

Thanks to all the people involved that made this road trip possible
Ombre, aganim, carotte, miss carotte (Lovely cookies) et all his family.
I hope this time there will be enough pictures