Author Topic: world's largest Tetris ...  (Read 2022 times)


  • ArcadeLifeStyler'
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world's largest Tetris ...
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:08:59 PM »
.... seems to be achieved by a group of Dutch students of the Technical University of Eindhoven. They did an attempt two years ago that failed (, but this time they seem to have done it:

Google translate:

It took a day of shivering in an icy Market Hall Metaforum, but then the Thor study where the past two years is out: the largest Tetris game ever . Monday afternoon at half past five the record was achieved when the required four rows of blocks on a huge LED grid thousand square meters were outplayed. Thus the Guinness Book of Records was achieved , something failed on the first attempt .

In connection with that deception had two years ago Thor - the study of Electrical Engineering - this time built more security. It reserved the obstacle-free and weatherproof market hall for the record itself and set the time from which the audience of the mega - Tetris to enjoy. That will happen in two weeks as Thor - the record in your pocket - the LED framework by crane against building potential is hung . Between 15 and 19 December Thor focuses a little ' playground' in the parking lot next potential , from which the descending blocks to control with a joystick are .

It was a nervous moment came this morning shortly after the connection to the mains short circuit and the preparatory work sustained a few hours delay. United force, the problem was finally resolved and could redeeming game to be played in the incident dusk . To have a good view of the horizontally oriented field with lights Thor had an old console to MetaForum dragged away , which the study could leave the game shadowing synchronously.

Thor's Bram Witteman : " We still need to fill out some paperwork . We send with photos and videos along to the editors of the Guinness Book for the record to get really into the book. But that record is . Here we go tonight good look at drinking. "

Thor processed in the framework 3,200 LEDs , half as many ping-pong balls as lampshades (to spread the light ), 400 meter PVC pipe and over 3 kilometers of power cable.

The public can play the game in two weeks, when it will be placed against a facade of a building.