I was browsing the web some day , and i found this wonderfull forum.
As a DK fan , i was looking for arcade related webpages, and i came across the Arcade Lifestyle forum.
Just like orrimarrko in the last post, i was looking all the weekend to alot of pictures, and the time did fly !
As i was only in the Arcade lifestyle topics, i didnt see this "all the rest" board.
So i was thinking it would be nice to introduce myself here and write a few words here.
so here i go,
My name is indeed like the screenname "Etienne"
I live in the south of the netherlands, i am 34 years old, I am married for 7 years now and have a nice little baby son of 1,5 year now.
I am a fan of old arcade games, 80's music and i work as a windows network engineer (certified Windows server 2003 & 2008)
I have the plans to build my own DK machine, but since i live in a house that is not so big, it will maybe be a bartop.
some custom changes will be made too , just to play other mame stuff.

Well for now thats it, just want to say that i enjoy reading all the topics and see that the arcade still lives on in alot of minds!
Great forum, keep up the good work !