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Topics - arcadefever

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Arcade Lifestyle / Replacement Handle for TRON Arcade Machines
« on: July 12, 2009, 07:00:38 PM »
I finally decided to replace my Tron Joystick, with a new one from

Randy from Groovy game gear as once again deliver another goodie for arcade collector

I f you are building a Mame cab, i strongly suggest you to stop by there web site, you will find anything you need. I have order in the past a few things from them, and they deliver a Great customer service.

Here some of there products:

Home of the Original Button-Hole-Mount Arcade Spinner, The TurboTwist 2™. Also Home to the KeyWiz™, GP-Wiz™ and Opti-Wiz Controls Interfaces, the OMNI-Stik Prodigy™ Panel Top Switchable 4/8-way Joystick System, the LED-Wiz™ Lighting and Output Controller, and Electric ICE™ RGB Illuminated Pushbuttons and Trackballs.

I ordered the Tron joystick, the new trigger, new logo and the screws , i decided to order the full kit ...

Here a description about the Tron replacement handle:

This item is not a copy, reproduction or replica. It's the real deal. The actual materials and injection molds were used. The original color chip was even unearthed and meticulously matched. And, as you can see from the photo, it glows like crazy next to a black light. This is the first time anyone has seen a part like this fresh from production for over 20 years!

3 days after my order i received it  ;)

Well packaged...
So far it look really good...wowwwwwwwwww....
Time to go to work:   :pac:

Ok, i rewire the trigger cables to the new one ( you can rewire the old one if you want, the spot are there for it)

It is time to turn ON the cab and see the result.......

WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  What you are going to see may be dangerous for your health ...Pictures are very addictive   ;D

OMG !!! that Joystick is glowing like CRAZYYYYYYY !!!!!
Here is pictures of the old one next to it:


If you are a Tron Owner, please go get one ASAP ......


PS: BRUNO get one !!!!!!!!!  :arrow:

Arcade Lifestyle / Tron is alive !!!
« on: July 02, 2008, 04:39:35 AM »
My Tron is finally alive !!! after some hard work  :spaceace:

It started few months ago:

Found a Tron cab for $99, and of course it was not working  :roll: the sides were not in a good shape, the back of the cab is very bad, all back doors unusable  :( But the front was in perfect condition  :D

The monitor was blank, and the game did not even play blind  :? so i started to work on little things:

The cab stayed in a corner for a while, until i decided to really see what was going wrong...

I turn on the cab, download the owner manual, look at all the fuses and check the voltage, and  :pirate: nothing at all...

I removed the power supply:

As you can see, a lithium battery was installed, i can see some trace of repair before.
Now i have a few choices

1- try to repair it again, order a cap-kit
2- get another one working on ebay  :roll:
3- make some research  :wink: an it pay off  :D

I found this:

A replacement, it is plug and play, just need a regular power supply  :shock:

I placed an order, and got it a few days later  :D

I hooked up to a brand new PSU...know was time to put it in the cab...

no need of those cables with that device...

I rewire the PCB, as you can see tones of cables :wink:

The wood that was maintaining the PCB was in a bad shape, so i replaced it with a PCB holder, that i bought form Bob Roberts a while ago...

 :wh: Time to check all the connections...

A little prayer to the ARCADES GODS, power on and ???


Before playing my first Tron game, i decided to give a final cleaning to the cab...

I probably removed 3 tones of dust  :o:


Wowwww, i love it...i never played the game before, just twice on Mame, with the keyboard  :roll:

I love the game, fun fun fun  8)

You have 4 games in 1 each game is a part of the Movie.

Light Cycles: The player controls a Light Cycle that leaves a blue trail. The joystick controls the direction of travel and the trigger controls the speed of the bike. The object is force the enemy Light Cycles (yellow) to run into each other or the trails while avoiding crashing.

Grid Bugs: Destroy the Grid Bugs and escape into the I/O Tower before the timer runs out. The stick controls the movement of your character and the whirlygig controls the direction of fire.

Tanks: Destroy all enemy tanks or Recognizers to clear the level. The stick controls the movement of your tank and the whirlygig controls the direction of fire.

MCP Cone: Destroy the blocks (similar to Breakout) and move your character into the cone to clear the level. A bonus is awarded if you destroy all the blocks. The stick controls the movement of your character and the whirlygig controls the direction of fire.

SHOW TIME KNOW (Probably one of the most beautiful arcade cabinet)


Technical Area / Another vector monitor <<safed>>
« on: October 05, 2007, 02:16:47 PM »
I have found few months ago, 2 black and white vector monitor. Both of them were imcomplete. One is missing almost everything, and the other one as just the deflection board...

I have found some spair parts on Ebay (sell as non working), just enought to a list rebuild one monitor  :wink:

I order a capkit from Bob Roberts, and started to rebuild the deflection board. I also work a bit on the high voltage cage...

here is the 2 monitors:

started to rebuild it...

this is the deflection board, i change all the cap, and a fuse...
all other compoment are ok...

it is a G05-805 13"

I also changed all the transistors...

i also replace the high voltage diode...

now time to test it  8)

i choose to try it on my Battlezone cab...

WOWWWWWWWWWW  :D  work perfectly  :wh:

always good to have a spair working monitor for my asteroids cocktail table  8)

Arcade Lifestyle / BattleZone road trip and WIP
« on: September 11, 2007, 07:20:46 AM »
:shock:  for the last  few weeks, the game-room has been upside down, a few cabs have been sold, and a few new ones have join  

This is the last one in  <BattleZone>

I play the game a few years ago in Orlando FL, and sins that day, decided that i will get one  :wink:

I have been looking for one for the last 2 years, but never got really lucky on my search...until a few weeks ago   8)  found one on ebay, i decided to get it  :D

The cab was shipped with Forward air, that mean it is not a door to door delivery...i will have to pick it up at the terminal, here in Miami ...near the airport   :o

I got the usual phone call " hello, sir...we have something for you here, waiting for pick up ..."   8)


It was a beautifful day here in Sunny isle beach (north miami beach)
that where the Arcade fever gameroom is ...

just one problem  :? the cab wont fit in the Mustang  :|

i had to rent one  :wink:

the terminal is 25 minutes from where i live....

arrived on time ...

i notice the cab in the back of the warehouse...

time to put it in the i can see it is very well wrap  8)

time to go back home,

the good thing, is that i have a loading dock where i live ...

the cab is at home, it is time to unwrap it  

BattleZone first impression


this is really not the usual arcade cab, it is very well design, really look like a tank !!!
the cab is in very well condition, far...

time to see the inside...

the coin door

the pcb

audio/regulator board


as you can see the monitor is set Horizontally , like space invaders...
the monitor is reflected on a mirror , around the monitor i found the bezel...

the art work and controller:

that the deal, you have 2 neon in the cab  :shock:
one that light up the marquee, and one "black light" that make the bezel, inside the cab glow  8)
i could not capture it in picture  :| probably because the bezel is very dirty ....
i also found the transparant color overlay on top of the monitor (green and red)

ok, time to power that baby   :twisted:


also, when you play, and put you face on that periscope  :o:  other player can fallow your progress on the game, because you have 2 opening windows on each sides  

what a CAB  :shock:  I love it !!!!!

after few minutes of game play, i notice some issues on the screen, so i decided to turn it off....

the game need a complete tune up, like a did on my asteroids cocktail table... vector games  :roll:

this what i have to do:

-clean the power block
-change the big blue
-cap kit the audio/regulator board
-cap kit the monitor
-clean the pcb

i think that enought work for the moment  

Arcade Lifestyle / Popeye in the game-room
« on: August 28, 2007, 04:26:13 PM »
i just scored a very nice Popeye (nintendo), in very good condition  :D


Arcade Lifestyle / weird jaleco cab
« on: July 21, 2007, 05:16:34 AM »
I just got a Jaleco cab...

the wip here:

do you guys have more info on that cab ???

Arcade Lifestyle / Tetris Mutli-jamma Project
« on: June 30, 2007, 09:15:34 PM »
After my first multi jamma conversion with my doudble dragon cab last year, i have decided to go back to work  :work: with a new Multi-jamma project...

here is the link of the previous project:

The point of doing that, is to empty my PCB shelf, and play the games, without swapping them all the time ...

On that Project, i choose my Tetris cab. One of the main reason, is the cab as a lot of space inside, wont be a problem to host 8 to 9 PCB, and it is already wire Jamma  8)

For the games, this is my selection:

bubble bobble
great 1000 miles II
shadow dancer
ghools and ghost
bionic commando

it is going to be a total of 9 PCB inside, one will be off and 8 powered at the same time  :wink:

Here is the cab:

first thing to do, remove everything ...

I decided to change the monitor, and to add a brand new one. The old one is not to bad, i am going to keep it, and do a capkit job on it...

here the new monitor:

the old one, very dirty  :?

Done, the cab is empty, only left over, the power supply...

Ok, know it is time to get smart  :D  i learn my lesson with my first project, and this time i have plan everything much better.

i am not going to attach the PCB to the sides of the cab. I have build a Rack, like that it will be more easy to rewire everything together, and easy to remove any PCB...

I am not a good carpenter, but i have manage to do something decent...
no nails, only hot glue   8)

to suport the Rack, i add 2 little pieces of wood, on each sides of the cab. I also added a power strip, that i rewire to the main power source of the cab. It will help me to power the monitor and the 2 extra power supply...

ok, the rack is secure, ready to host the PCB...

on each side, under the rack, i will add the 2 extra power supply ...

This where i got smart  :wink:  i bought bunch of pc power connections...
+5 +12 gnd

here are the 2 new power supply...each of them will power 4 PCB...
the main power supply of the cab, will only power the multy jamma mother board...

i did also a much more clean job on the wirering   :o

Here we go, time to install the beast  :twisted:
the green wires, will be connected to the button, for switching between games...

time to put it in  :D

all PCB are place into the rack ...

each PCB is rewire to the multi jamma by a pc cable connection, and a mini pcb

The main problem of having 8 PCB on at the same time, is the HEAT ...
that why i got some little fans... A total of 4

2 of them on top of the cab, just behind the monitor, to push the hot air out ...

2 of them on the bottom of the coin door, to push the air IN ...

know it is time to put everything back together  :D

TIME TO PLAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps: some of the games, are not jamma, that why i build some jamma loom to make them work with the multi jamma...
also few games, needed and extra wire for the -12v

first game and the one that most people are going to ask me about  :D
how can you play it in a cab with only 2 buttons  :|
well the game use the 3rd button for the power of the ninja, so it is not use very often..
what i did, i rewire the 3rd button of the jamma to the right side of the 2nd joystick  :shock:
 :wink: that mean that everytime i need to use it, i just have to move my right hand a few inches to the right to move the 2nd joystick to the right  :D
it is very easy, and simple. it does not affect the game play at all !!!!

i really LOVE THAT GAME   :P

BIONIC COMMANDO, a very cool game...

V-BALL a cool and fun volley ball game, a must to play with a friend  :twisted:


GREAT 1000 MILES RALLY II very fun, even with a joystick



GHOOLS AND GHOST the best for last  :D

Ooops   :?  I forgot to take a picture of the main game ...TETRIS  :roll:

well, so far everything work perfectly...
that a total of 17 games in 2 cabs shock: "tetris and double dragon"

the 48 games in galaga, the 1942 and 1943 reunion in one cab
and the 3 in 1 commando cab  :shock:

a lot of GAMES   :roll:

Technical Area / arcade monitor manual
« on: February 09, 2007, 07:55:35 AM »

Arcade Lifestyle / 48in1 multi jamma
« on: February 07, 2007, 06:18:34 AM »

i found somebody who is willing to sell the 48in1 multi jamma pcb for $200 usually sell for ($350)
that include the shipping to the UK...

we need to be a list 20 to have it at that price...
i post this at mame univers and i have alredy 3 buyer...

just wan to know if anybody is interested ???

it is a jamma pcb, very small and it as 48 games, all for vertical monitors...

game menu:

it can be plug on regular cab or also on pc monitor...
you can save the score or also change the dip of each games....

that the list:

1942, 1943, Amidar, Arkanoid, Bomb Jack, Burger Time, Centipede Crush Roller, Dig Dug, Dig Dug 2, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong 3, Donkey Kong Junior, Frogger, Galaga, Galaga 3, Galaxian, Gyruss, Hustler, Jr Pacman, Juno First, King & Balloon, Ladybug, Mappy, Millipede, Moon Cresta, Mr Do's Castle, Mr. Do, Ms Pacman, New Rally X, Pac Man, Pacman Plus, Pengo, Phoenix, Pinball Action, Qix, Scramble, Shao-Lin's Road, Space Invaders, Space Panic, Super Breakout, Super Cobra, Super Pacman, Tank Battalion, Time Pilot, Van-Van Car, Xevious, Zaxxon

for more info, just PM me ...


Technical Area / rebuilding, asteroids audio/regulator board
« on: January 30, 2007, 06:42:06 AM »
I decided to rebuild my asteroids audio/regulator board. This is very important to do , most of the components have been inside sins 1979...

before starting, just wan say a big THANKS to "Mr PINX"  for is help and sharing knowledge ....

First let's take a look at what we need to change....

in yellow: this is the transistor part 2N3055

in dark blue: transistor part 2N6107

in white : 3 capacitor 470uf 25v

in green : 2 capacitor  33000uf 35v and 1 1000uf 25v

in red: 2 capacitor 10uf 35v

and in clear blue  2 transistor 2n3904

here is where I keep all the spair parts...

best tool to use is a desoldering iron....i recomand to practive on dead boards just to be safe and to get you use to it ...

here are al the components removed...always good to take a picture before taking them out, to remember where to put the new ones...

here is the board with all all components removed

each new capacitors, are place on the board, BECAREFULL !!!! to fallow there polarity...

most capacitor show you where the ( - ) negative is flowing ...this is very important ...look where the (+) is indicated on the board.

when place...just solder it, and cut the excess wire...

here is the board finish ...all capacitors and transistors in place ...

here a better picture ...look at the arrows showing you the minus polarity on the capacitors...

attached to the heatsink on the right the last 2 component are "amp" for the audio sound...

you can replace them with parts:  TDA2002.

This is one of the 2   (2N3904) transistors to change ....(in black)

when power on, voltage need to bee check and adjust...+5 is done via the molex on the pcb...

if you have any questions, or ....if you need any of this parts, contact me ...

and if you don't feel comfortable, I can also repair it for you ....

happy gaming ...

ps: same thing can be done for tempest, and star wars audio board...
and on many ATARI games

All the rest / mini station emulator
« on: January 25, 2007, 06:37:56 AM »
wowwwwwwwwwwwww look at that   :shock:

under $40 i really wan  to try it, also emulate nes ...all you have to do is plug the multi game they sell


all the games and more info here:

it can be plug on TV (it as tv out) wowwwwwwww

i found more info and a mini review here:


All the rest / taking the day off from work, but not from gaming ...
« on: January 16, 2007, 07:47:43 AM »
:D   today i was off, and i decide to work on some jamma loom project.

first i got this cool pcb "air wolf" $15 from ebay  :woot:
i build an UGLY adapter from spare parts   :roll:  

 :wink:  let's see if it work :


 8)   it work

after few plays, back to work    :wink:  

BOMBJACK jamma loom build :
as you can see....very unusual ...but more easy compare to the crazy one i build for bubble bobble   :twisted:

after that i decided to put my astro back to horizontal   :!:   to play some round of nba jam and of course

HOUSE OF THE DEAD   :twisted:  


« on: January 11, 2007, 04:45:39 AM »


When i was a kid, i never had a chance to play ASTEROIDS...
i always played the game on console or pc...but everything changes when 3 years ago , on a trip to orlando , i visited "disney quest".
i found the cab there and played it for an hour and completly fall in love with the game    :o

the vector monitor give a completly different a point that i cant play the game on MAME anymore    :cry:

6 months ago i spot a cheap auction on ebay !!! cocktail version...but incomplete...

the monitor is missing the hight voltage cage
the audio board look ok
no pcb

first i decide to give a little boost to the audio board and give it a new capkit



after that, do one of the most important thing when you have an old atari cab, change the big blue
the big blue is the big capacitor in the middle of the power supply...

because it is in the psu block i have to take it apart ...   :?

the black cap is the new one and the blue the old one...the color give it is name...the big blue

for the pcb, i didnt wan to mess around...i got a non working pcb and send it to repair...
a full check up and parts have been like a charm now ...    8)

now the most difficult...the monitor...

but i got lucky , i spot a guy selling a "go5" 15" exactly what i need, he say that the main board as received a capkit, but not the high voltage cage...

so i went back to school and got me the manual and andy fromm arcade school book  

after hours of reading, i am finally able to look at the monitor completly...i did some minor repair and also recap the high voltage cage...

 :(  but after 15 minutes the graphics are kind of blooming ...
i post in some forum, and i found out that it come from the high voltage diode from the high voltage cage...

i order 3 from bob roberts just in case and voila   :wink:

here a few pictures of the monitor

black and whyte vector monitor...

ok, now time to put everything back...

i also change the speaker and the volume control

now much more easy .....the cleaning part    :roll:

got some new buttons



time to power on :


wowwwwwwwww the picture is CRYSTAL CLEAR

here few pictures of the table done:

Well after a week of playing i have to say that ASTEROIDS is for me the best arcade game ever   :D

i also have one spair monitor to fix and keep as back up...but that is for a another  post  ...

thanks also to bob roberts where i was abe to found all the parts that i need


Arcade Lifestyle / Commando final touch
« on: January 03, 2007, 08:07:34 AM »
I just finish my final touch to my commando cab... just to refresh some memory, it was 2 years ago when i found that cab here in Miami was ready to go to the junk yard  :(

so i decided to give it a try and that what was left after i thraw all the bad parts  :?  

i know....not pretty...

i found out that it was a zaxxon cabinet that was transform into a tank game...i decided to try to convert it in a commando game...

this was after 75% of the job done:

after tha i installed inside a 3in1 multi jamma with remote control...and the 3 pcb choices were:

gryzor "contra"

last week i decided to finish first i removed the dark plexi and replace it with a clear one:

 :shock:  much better, you can finally see the bezel  :wink:

than i found this on ebay a NOS commando cpo:

just one problem  :pirate:  the cpo doesnt fit the panel at all...
i am going to have to do some little collage here....


and after:


well i am very happy with the results... :l: , just thinking about it , the cab went a long way...from almost to the yard to an almost brand new commando with a multi kit  :mat:

 more picture:


All the rest / my logo carved in wood
« on: December 30, 2006, 08:38:40 AM »
:shock:  A member from the BYOAC build a MAME cab, and his wife "Melissa" as carved games carachters for is side arts....

when he post it on the forum, members were very interested...
so he build a web site for her:

i contact his wife and ask her if she could do my logo !!!!

this is what she did :

you can read the all project here:

i cant wait to get it and put it on the wall !!!!!!!!!!

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