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Messages - DarthNuno

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Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Dragon's Lair Trading Cards by Cardsmiths
« on: November 12, 2023, 02:16:35 PM »
"Look for first ever on-card autographs in our January release of Dragon?s Lair. Don Bluth is just one of the icons of the franchise lending his pen to add to the collecting experience!

From the alchemists at Cardsmiths??

Grab your sword and helmet and set forth on a collecting quest for the Dragon?s Lair Series 1 Trading Card Set.

Join Dirk on his harrowing journey to rescue the lovely Princess Daphne from the dark wizard Mordroc through a maze of dungeons, dangers, and enemies of all kinds, including the fire-breathing Singe and even Mordroc himself.

Each of the 60 Dragon?s Lair Series 1 collector cards features actual gameplay artwork from the beloved Don Bluth video game franchise.  And along the way, try to find the hidden treasures of holofoil parallel, serial-numbered, Gemstone Refractor? and case-hit Culture Shokz? Cards.

Singe has his treasures, now it?s your chance to amass your own horde of Dragon?s Lair cards. Hurry?your adventure is about to begin!
- CARDSMITHS 6th of November 2023 Facebook announcement

To be release around January 2024 according Cardsmiths website (source).

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: Atari Gauntlet... a Cimmerian RoadTrip!
« on: November 09, 2023, 01:18:11 PM »
Thanks guys  :) I must admit I miss the good old time and our 'competitive road trips'  :pac: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost:

Arcade Lifestyle / Atari Gauntlet... a Cimmerian RoadTrip!
« on: November 08, 2023, 09:50:48 AM »

Back in September 2022.
I have the opportunity to get the legendary original gauntlet arcade machine. I picked up the 'modern' version 20 years ago (aka Gauntlet Legends, see here), but nothing can't beat the original version!
I love this game... I've had the opportunity to buy this game several times over the past 25 years, but I always thought that having it at home would kill its interest. Being by nature a multiplayer game, with a kind of 'pay to win' gameplay, with no possibility to 1CC. So as a solo player, I didn't really see the point of having it at home.
Bullshit! I love too much that game, I had so much great memories (on the arcade version, but also on the Amstrad CPC port).... cabinet is so gorgeous, and Gauntlet is definitively a title that belong to the arcade history. Now I've 2 kids (meaning more players). Oh and because, come one, everyone know the game "Gauntlet"! Finally, I'm such a fan of the CONAN movies... this game could have been called 'The Adventure of Conan the Barbarian'.

So after all theses arguments, I have the approval of the Barbarian and his Valkyrie to make this journey.

In order to 'size' this Adventure....

...but for once, it will be a road trip very close to home... only 111km to destination :

In order for the seller not to change his mind, I decided to go and get the game immediately. It was a kind of 'unexpected & improvised' road trip. So my first stop is the bank, where my favorite thief is waiting for me... warrior need money :

Soon enough, in the middle of the Cimmera land, the led "Warrior Needs Food Badly!" is on :

I should find something to eat in this tavern...

Problem solved :

Here I am at the French border, where I will continue under good escort from now...

...because this country looks very violent indeed and it seems very dangerous to want to cross it alone... (wind turbine spotted!)

In the midst of all this violence outside, it is with all serenity that I present you the amulet of protection that my son made for me... clearly mandatory for this dangerous journey!

It's quieter now, we're getting closer to the goal...

Here we are, the beast was hiding in that garage :

The history of this cabinet by the seller : the game was operated in the small pub from this little village. About 20 years ago, the seller bought the game from that pub. When he bought it, it wasn't the Gauntlet board anymore. The cabinet was already 'jamma' hacked.
At the time, he wanted to restore the orignal game, but in the end he didn't do anything at all. So the cabinet remained in its original state for almost 20 years in that garage.
Having no longer a particular plan, he put this cabinet for sale, and here I am.
The deal with the seller was : as is, no question... so let be it!

I'm not talking about the way home, which went smoothly.

(for my stats : 246 km / 5h23 on road / Belgium<>France)

Here's the beast inside the Nuno's Lair, ready to be resurrected and start a new life  :)

Do you want to life forever ?

... so let's bring back this game to its full glory!

Galaxian Theater / Re: Saving Galaxian Theater... in Japan !!!
« on: October 18, 2023, 10:02:31 PM »
I just saw this...

Thanks for the link!  :spaceace: Too bad youtube can't automatically translate in english! Or is it possible maybe?

Welcome back MacDLSA  :)
Thanks for all these details and congratulation for this project!  :spaceace:

Galaxian Theater / Re: Saving Galaxian Theater... in Japan !!!
« on: September 02, 2023, 06:22:41 PM »
Unfortunately, we have had to move from our current location.
Relocation destination is currently undecided.

Sometime between Sep. 16th and 18th : open the musium
Sometime between Oct. 7th and 9th : disassemble GT-6
Nov. 30 : Final deadline for moving out

I really hope you'll find a new location fast and a way to continue to operate a maximum of games. Congratulations for keeping all these games so far in a non-profit model (for the fans), and especially that Galaxian3 Theater6.

Here's the translation for everyone of your announcement :

The arcade game museum project will be withdrawn from the site by November 30, 2023 due to Taito Co., Ltd.'s facilities.

As of September 1, 2023, the new location has not yet been decided.
We are looking for a property where we can carry out warehouse opening activities, and we are looking for a property with good conditions in the Kanto region and the suburbs of three prefectures, within a range that our staff can commute to.

If you can't find a property, we are considering selling the cabinet to reduce the number of owned equipment, suspending activities, and disbanding.

Our top priority is to find properties where we can operate and continue to develop our activities, so we will not be accepting inquiries regarding the sale of large housing for the time being.
We will notify you at the time of sale.

The final opening of the warehouse is scheduled for the consecutive holidays in the second half of September.
Since then, Galaxian 3 Theater 6 has been dismantled during the October holidays, and we plan to dismantle it once a new location has been decided.
In that case, we will announce it on X (old Twitter).

The nearly three-year suspension of activities due to the coronavirus pandemic has had a big impact on the Arcade Game Museum Project, which is run with the funds of the representative and assistant representative's own funds as well as donations from those who came and enjoyed the event.
However, we have continued our activities while hoping for the day when we can enjoy playing games with everyone again after the coronavirus pandemic is over.

In the spring of 2023, we opened the warehouse several times due to the relaxation of restrictions on events, etc., but we were unable to have as many people as we did before the coronavirus pandemic, so we opened the warehouse to fewer people than before.

To be honest, since we are not in the business of profit-making, we are worried about what to do with our future activities.
With the move from Taito's warehouse, we are considering various future activities.

We are trying our best to maintain the game center, a place where everyone can freely experience arcade games and have a good time, but there are limits to what we can do without income, and we are limited in scale. We have no choice but to consider including the reduction of

It will be about 3 months until the complete withdrawal, but we hope that many people will enjoy it.
We would appreciate it if you could visit us when the warehouse is open.

Last but not least, when we suddenly decided to relocate the Game Expo Project's Ayame Warehouse, we received your support for our activities and lent us the facility in Kumagaya for 12 years, which greatly contributed to the development of the Game Expo Project. We are very grateful to Taito Co., Ltd. for their cooperation.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of you. I'm really thankful to you.

We hope that you will continue to support us through our activities at Taito Kumagaya Warehouse.

2 September 1, 2023 Voluntary organization Arcade Game Museum Planning Representative and staff

The latest information is also available on X (formerly T witter)I'm here.
X (former Twitter) arcade game museum plan account (@gehaku)


Arcade Lifestyle / Re: What?s in your game room?
« on: August 26, 2023, 08:25:31 PM »

Mine looks like this:

Holy shit, your game room is awesome  :shock: :-*
It really looks like a public place (maybe it is?), with that wonderful bar that huge selection of cabinets!
I love the high scores display. What are you using to maintain/display them like this?

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: New arrival: Zaccaria Scramble ^^
« on: August 14, 2023, 11:45:35 AM »
While I'm looking for an other curved marquee, I'm just using a black cardboard paper to 'hide' the crack/block the white light from the tube...

Well, at least  it's doesn't too ugly in the dark...

Still looking for :

- curved marquee (can be an other game than Scramble)
- scramble bezel
- T-molding

Technical Area / Re: Zaccaria Joystick... from 4 ways to 8 ways ?
« on: August 01, 2023, 10:18:56 PM »
Found a simple solution to finish the '4 ways to 8 ways' joystick transformation :)  :arrow:

Played some games, it works very well!  :spaceace: Well not sure how long this will do the job, but works great by the time I'll find a more durable solution  8)

Technical Area / Re: Zaccaria Joystick... from 4 ways to 8 ways ?
« on: July 31, 2023, 10:01:35 PM »
Well, for some reason I believe the joystick that came on my Scramble is probably an original one.

I found a similar one. I found it in my 25 years old spares box  ;D
I disassembled it and I found similar parts. But unfortunately for me  still the same '4 ways' guide pattern  :arrow:

I'm still wondering why so many holes on that part ?  ???  :arrow:

I tried different ways to attach the microswitches...because maybe these numerous holes could allow various ways to attach the microswitches and so to allow them to be closer from the shaft? ... but no, only one way to attach them  :arrow:

I also use a dremel to shape a big square that should allow to register diagonals moves.... but it's still not working like that. The base of the shaft is not big enough to register 2 switches at the same time  :oops:  :arrow:

So I really believe this joystick is an original Zaccaria one, but a 4 ways and only 4 ways!

Oh wait, something is confusing me  ??? . On your site Paul, this picture ?  :arrow:

Under the control panel, your joystick is different... its base is a cercle, while mine is a square. And on the top/right of that picture you have the same joystick than mine, except the ring of the base of the stick ? And as far as I can see, your should be a working 8 ways?!. Interesting.

Technical Area / Zaccaria Joystick... from 4 ways to 8 ways ?
« on: July 27, 2023, 08:03:47 PM »
Got this joystick on my dedicated Scramble by Zaccaria, which looks legit from the top ?  :arrow:

...but from behind, it's a 4 ways !? (and scramble is an 8 ways joystick game)  ???  :arrow: you can see the plastic guide with an 'almost' square shape doesn't allow diagonal moves  :arrow:

So as a workaround, I tried to use a small pinball plastic ring attached to the stick  :arrow:

I can do diagonal moves now, but the stick is simply to hard to move with that ring, so it's not the solution!  :ghost:

So my question, should I '"enlarge'' the square hole in ordre to make it as a big circle, or should I have to find a plastic plate with the correct shape, or the 8 ways joystick for Scramble is totally different ?

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: New arrival: Zaccaria Scramble ^^
« on: July 26, 2023, 10:39:28 PM »
By the time I'm still stuck with that broken marquee...

... let's glue it to avoid things getting worse...  :?  :arrow:

..who know, I may have to go with that one for some times  :( ...

Curved marquee for sale anyone  :-[ :oops: :ghost: ?

Hello Robert,

Welcome here, and good luck for this project that I'll follow of course.

 :spaceace: :spaceace:

Maybe I should write more roadtrip stories, too.

Definitively yes! Because ...

YouTube Video killed the radio forum star...
YouTube Video killed the radio forum star...
Pictures came and broke your heart...

What a nice song to listen on ...You Tube?! ...Damn it!  :ghost: :lol:

That giant Terminator rocks!

Yeah, an imposing piece! it has become a -if not THE- centerpiece in the room  :-*

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: New arrival: Zaccaria Scramble ^^
« on: July 21, 2023, 07:27:57 PM »
Wow, very low number with 0005!

Well, 0005 is the serial number from the Belgian operator (Socomatic), not the factory one.

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