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Messages - Giddygoon

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Running the proto type laser disc no doubt, what happened to those earlier laser disc's, i know the proto type footage was found on video tape but sombody some must still have those proto type laser disc's??

Happy Birthday Bruno, love the G-loc and Vectrex

all the best

Technical Area / Re: Sega Star Wars Trilogy HELP!!
« on: May 13, 2010, 03:55:10 PM »
Just a question! now have the Model 3 board working 100% but if i connect the mpeg board the game cuts out. I have set tested the voltage from the PSU to model and the 5v is pefect but where do you test the 3.3v??? I now have a new mpeg board that is working 100% but if i connect the power molex to it the game out???

Help Help

if anybody can help!!

Technical Area / Sega Star Wars Trilogy HELP!!
« on: April 25, 2010, 11:34:29 PM »
Hi everyone!!!

I just got myself a new Starwars Trilogy cab, but things didnt start off to well, when the game would not start up.....marquee,monitor came on....but no game or sound. But i discovered that the fault was a blown mpeg board, i disconnted the digital sound board and the game came to life, game plays but there another problem the graphics are there but the 3d is all wrong e.g Hoth stage there is lines and missing textures everywhere!!!! ); i ran a test on the roms, which checks out fine...... So i have half sound and half graphics.

I know the mpeg board needs fixing but could the model 3 board be faulty too??

If anybody can help!!!


Arcade Lifestyle / Re: Anybody trying to restore vector games? Read This!!!
« on: February 23, 2010, 10:25:53 PM »
Good link Oliver!

But again, ive checked this and there are no Starwars, certain types of raster monitor which take Svga signals... They dont usally come in 25" );

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: Anybody trying to restore vector games? Read This!!!
« on: February 23, 2010, 09:59:43 PM »
Tried that! First of all finding large hi-res monitors particularly at 25" size and cheap is very hard and surprisingly enough the vector glow from AAE was better on a crt TV and CGA arcade monitor than a high res monitor! The monitor had better defined lines but less glow......the cga monitor had less defined lines but a better glow! This test was done with a vga to cga convertor at 640x480 but with the new Arcade Vga card you will get better defined lines and the glow! Its never gonna be perfect but from what ive seen......its pretty close

When I can, i'll post some comparison pictures

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: Anybody trying to restore vector games? Read This!!!
« on: February 23, 2010, 08:44:26 PM »
Your right! But have you ever tried to find working 25" vector monitor!

Arcade Lifestyle / Anybody trying to restore vector games? Read This!!!
« on: February 22, 2010, 01:13:50 PM »
Hi Everyone!

I currently restoring a Starwars cockpit, but as you know finding a working 25" amplifone is a rare as hens teeth.... And if do find one it might not last long before it has a fault. So until then i was looking into other ways to get the game running. Theres mame but it doesnt look right...there is also ZVG board and vector mame but its a bit out of date and you still need a vector monitor!
I have come to the conculsion that AAE emulator (Another Arcade Emulator) is the way to go, of couse you can use a pc monitor but you dont get monitors any bigger than 24" i need 25" for the past older AVGA cards didnt work this emu because it needed a gfx card higher than Nvidia Fx5200 or ATI 9550 to work because it use openGL but the good news is that i contacted Andy at Ultimarc and asked him to test the AAE emu with his new Arcade 3000 vga card which uses the ATI RV630 chipset and results are that the emu works. (:
This could be a good way to get vector games running on cga monitors until the real parts turn up if ever thay do!

Just thought Id spread the love

Hi all!

Sorry to ask again, but I can't read electrical wiring diagrams. I've installed the Hanterax MTC 9000 monitor in the Atari DL cab and also in installed a Hanterax Us250 psu and taken out the Atari original..... by the way it's for sale if anybody wants would have to pick only tho. Now my new problem, on the psu it has a neon lamp out, I connected it to the original atari lamp, it came on, with a very loud hum then went off. Now some of you here have Sidnam cabs that run of A Hanterax psu what lamp and starter unit are you using. Can I use the original parts in the marquee or do I have to change something?? Sorry to ask again but I never changed a psu before.

Other than that it's working great, no TV, no remote control. Which I had to use every time I turned it on..);

thanks to everyone who has helped so far, otherwise I would have damaged the monitor for sure

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Hanterax MTC9000 for Dragons Lair question
« on: December 31, 2009, 09:20:03 AM »
Hi everyone!

I have now transfered my Hanterax MTC 9000 monitor, everything works but I blew the lamp in the marquee, can anybody tell me what the output from the socket neon lamp on the hanterax us250 hanterax psu, I took out the Atari original. What I should do to get the dragons lair marquee working again! Also when I switched it on first time the marquee came on but there was a loud humming sound so I switched if off and the lamp does not come on at all now, voltage problem I think!

The monitor is working great, also are there any other colour controls on the back of the mtc9000? I can only find hv/vh,focus and brightsness controls? No colour!!

The Dragons lair is the Atari uk version

if anybody can help, thanks again and happy new year!!!!!

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Hanterax MTC9000 for Dragons Lair question
« on: December 26, 2009, 10:10:53 AM »
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you all, when it comes down to removing CRT's from chasis's , I'm ok! I've had to do it a number of times to hanterex polos or WG to get them repaired! I won't sticking my fingers under any anode cap unless it's been discharged!

I can confirm that it is a hanterex mtc9000, I found the manual. I'm going to fit the Hanterex psu somewhere in side my DL cab and then connect to the MTC and then that should work!!

If It does then I will let you all know, with some piccys too!

Happy Christmas and Happy new year to all on the forum!

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Hanterax MTC9000 for Dragons Lair question
« on: December 25, 2009, 10:57:37 PM »
Thanks for all your help! Discharging is a must but your right, DL is not jamma cab! I'm away from machine right but I will send a photo of the monitor asap! It's a shame about the voltage difference, it would have been to have run the new monitor from the original psu, how do I know that I have the original psu, what does it look like...what do you look for to recognise it as the Atari original!

Thanks again john

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Hanterax MTC9000 for Dragons Lair question
« on: December 25, 2009, 10:37:41 PM »
Hi thanks for the info, but I'm confused! First of all I'm not sure that I have a hanterex mtc9000 or weather it's a mtc 990? How do you tell? Also I took this monitor from a jamma cab and I have the hanterex psu that it was running from, I could put that in my DL cab but Id really like the monitor to run from the original psu in cab

if anybody could give a bit more info, Ive never done a monitor swap before. I thought that if the monitor was from a uk jamma cab it should work in a UK DL cab.

Appreciate the any help with this seeing as I'm installing the
monitor tmr.

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Hanterax MTC9000 for Dragons Lair question
« on: December 25, 2009, 08:00:42 PM »
Hi All!

I've got an Hanterex MTC9000 19" Monitor, and im going to install it into my DL cabinet. will it run from the original Atari psu?? My cab is an Atari UK cabinet........ currently there is a TV in there but want to return back to an original state.

If anybody can help!!

Thanks again Giddygoon

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: Outrun - help!
« on: December 03, 2009, 06:59:35 PM »
Hi There!

Yeah, Redrocketretro have gone under!! if you email me @ and I will send you a wiring diagram for the Apac!!

it took me a while to sort that out and the pedals are a pain!!

any questions let me know!

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