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Topics - kroustibat

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Arcade Lifestyle / Sinterklaas is earlier this year
« on: November 21, 2010, 05:31:20 PM »
On this cold sunday morning, i decided to go in the basement to get some milk for breakfast. Suddenly on my way back uppstairs, Sinterklaaske36 appeared himsef !! He looked at me and said with a strong eastern accent :

Like any kid receiving a gift , i rushed to open the gift ! And what a gift ! a outrun control panel  . THANKS SINTERKLAASKE36

along with the cp , i got a power supply, pedals assy and force feedback pcb.

And even a original sega pengo pcb

And the "plat de resistance" a complete Turbo outrun pcb coming from the abandonned warehouse. I asked this to sinterklaas in order to try to fix my original outrun pcb as turbo outrun is just a upgrade of the original.

The pcb still looks good despite his storage condition. It's a suicidal pcb, so i did not have much fate , but i decided to give it a try

TADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA it's working with full sound !!! I'm so happy , that means my outrun cab will have a outrun pcb soon :)

Many many thanks Sinterklaaske36 !!

ps: fyi , Sinterklaas is a tradition here in BE,NL,FR .On the evening of the 5th december , if you've been a good kid and if you left some milk (my father prefered beer ^^) and carrots near the firepit , the next day in the morning, sinterklaas will reward you with toys and candies.
wikipedia definition :

Hello all handheld specialist :)

Seeing all your impressive collection, remind me a game my parents offered me. I can not get the name back :s

My only souvenirs are  you need to cross a vine bridge and there's 1 palm tree on each side (don't remember the rule of the game).  The game was a single brown screen handheld with red button (non nintendo)

So i call for your science ;) thanks in advance

All the rest / dkreturns tayo cruz parody
« on: October 09, 2010, 10:09:53 AM »

not really arcade related , but hey it's donkey kong ^^

Arcade Lifestyle / RT Major Rock Hardy 3 hits combo !!
« on: October 01, 2010, 06:52:44 PM »
DISCLAIMER : by looking to the title , we don't have anything to do with Rock Buster's team. Even if i'd love to be part of, it's purely coincidental ;)

Recently, i spotted a Killer instinct 2 cab stated as unworking near namur (about 160km roundtrip).
So the RT started on a no rainy sunday (for belgium it's a miracle). My uncle kindly lent me his company truck ,
so in case you need new windows or blinds who's you gonna call ?? JEP Immo off course

For this RT , as usual,  my official wingman and photograph artist is Fr4nz

Rock busters HQ is near , in bruxelles (hope we didn't break a military secret) , but we're heading to namur

80km later, we arrived at the seller's house.

ADVISATORY : XXX RATED HOPA spotted , censored in order to keep this forum family friendly

going back home, and put the KI2 cab on location

So you'll tell, what the hell , it's only a 1 hit combo , you lied to us , i'm asking for a refund !... WROOONG !!
my winmang got 2 cabs in his garden house. As he doesn't have enought space to keep them and to
prevent them to be damaged with the humidity, he decided to donate them to my gameroom. You can come and play as often you wish !
thanks again mate !!

now we're heading to verviers (40 km) , throught my flat country

I arrived in front of fr4nz's house, it's great to have a huge garden in front of the house. But this time, we'll have
to carry 1 heavy cabs all the way long :s

Fr4nz already got the first cab out of his garden house. Doing the strong man pose  :spaceace: :spaceace:. But it was easy, it's a Zacarria cab  ;D

Now the turn of major Rock Hardy aka Xybots if you didn't get it ;) That's really another story, the door is really narrow and we needed to lay the cab

To complicate everything, we needed to cross over the house, as there's no other path to get the cab in front of the house. We did pretty well, without
dirtying the whole place and without smashing the doors.

let's check if this baby is working, the game starts with a bad rom message, colours are really faded but we could start a versus game on fr4nz'terrace

To get to the sidewalk and the road, we got a loooooooooooooong path.

Hopefully, we got a wood plank on wheels, that save our day and facilitate everything :)

cabs're loaded

to the Kroubi's gameroom ! this truck is really handy , love the automated door.  ;D ;D

You're building a gameroom, you'll need windows and blinds... think JEP Immo  ;D :arrow:
sorry  ;D

on location

xybot's back door

and the manuals are prestine

control panel is in great state, just need a good clean

The zacarria cab , got a laser battle marquee, never heard about it. But the cpo look like a vanguard one

it was a small RT , about 200km, only 2 provinces,  but for 3 cabs which is a good average  :pac: :pac:

Another huge thanks to fr4nz , nowx it's time to start restoration ;)

All the rest / Mac users : MacScan free today
« on: September 20, 2010, 11:19:19 AM »
I know there several mac user here , so just to warn them that MacScan is offered today for free.

Use the coupon PIRATE and be sure to set your currency to dollars else it'll charge you 0.01 euro :)

you don't need to put any banking infos.

Technical Area / where do you get your capkit ?
« on: September 08, 2010, 01:05:09 PM »
Hello all,

Since i'll have to do a capkit for my mtc9000. I heard about bob roberts. But i'd like to know if there's a way to buy capkit within europe ? Or where do you usualy get your capkit ?


Technical Area / mtc9000 cap kit n00b
« on: September 07, 2010, 10:48:19 PM »
Hello all,

i'm looking to do my first capkit for my hantarex mtc9000. but i'm a bit confused, for example if i check the manual online C59 is a 100u for 50v
but on the pcb i can see 47u for 50v. C14 is 47u for 16v but on the pcb it's 47u 25v and so on ....

so i'm a why such a difference in the capacitors ...?? is there any explaination ? coz i suppose , all the capkit available refer to the manual..

thanks to help a n00b ^^

ooops sorry being such a noob, i should have post in the technical forum

All the rest / Anyone going to gamescom ?
« on: August 12, 2010, 11:34:07 AM »
ok this is not retro gaming or about our beloved arcade cabs :) but i was wondering if some of you guys plan to go to Gamescom this year. I'll be there on the 18th august. So if others come , we can arrange a meeting ;)

Arcade Lifestyle / [Roadtrip] Chase for defender
« on: June 18, 2010, 10:42:27 PM »
Even if i'm not posting a lot, i've been following this forum for a long time (even if i only registered recently). I always love to read all those reports of members roadtrips,
 bringing back home all those gems in their sched, and bringing them back to life. So i was waiting for my time to come :-)

Recently i noticed that another member ,gyruss to name him, was selling his mint chase hq cab in the business area. this game has always been attached to many memories in my life.
I remembered playing the arcade version at the playground or playing the console conversion on mastersytem and commodore 64.

After reading the announce, i quickly checked on google maps how far the cab was. Only 2hours drive from my place ! PERFECT for a first road trip, decision was then taken :)

While sourcing for a van, my old good friend devpsx succeeded to put his hand on one of his dream cabs : "Defender" (thanks to ckong). The seller was only 1 hours drive from
gyruss's house. So i proposed devpsx to pickup his defender cab and host it until his next visit to belgium (he's from paris, the RT would have been 1200km for him). So the
road trip ended into a combo RT :)

So here's the map : about 500km, 2 countries : Belgium & Holland.

My pal Fr4nz is my co-pilot, and the official photograph of this RT. First step, picking the van in liège guillemins.

Loading all the blanckets spirofoam , food , drinks and then off we go ! it's 9:30 am next step, is Strijen where i need to meet hans for the Defender cab.

Arrival time will be, 11h41 , i'm driving carefully as it's the first time i drive a van. I was pretty concentrated (and boring driver according to my copilot ^^) , so i can admire the landscape in holland:

nice , clean , green and flat , really really flat :)

Before arriving to Hans's house, we needed to use the KiltTunnel with a name like that, i prefer not to see what's under  ;D (btw 5 euros the toll, what a scam!).

Finaly, we arrived at hans's house before noon, a pretty rural place, was pretty surprised to find cabs here :) The cab is in the wooden storage.

And here's devpsx's dreams cab.

The cab is in really good shape, except for the bottom part which need some work. Appart from that, the sides are great. Hans told us that he was exploiting pinballs, cabs before retiring. This cab is his last one and was happy to sell it as he can now demolish that wooden storage.

Time to leave now and pick MY cab :D Let's go to Hilversum and meet Gyruss. During the trip there , i can not stop humming chase hq music ! And in the end my eyes started to see the road like this

Nancy we got the suspect in our sight !!

The lamborghini guy got lucky , my van was not fast enought even with 2 turbos left ;D ;D

Arriving time in Hilversum is 13:37, W00t and leet :) Unfortunatly, the city was full of one way roads and the street proposed by the gps is in work :s so we lost about 30mins turning arround the city. Gyruss was kindly waiting after us at the entry of his street and guided us to his house.

Once we get out of the car, Fr4nz found a 10euros note on the ground ! lucky guy, but generously, he gave it to me . Lunch is my treat mate ! :)

The cab is in gyruss apparement, in the building in the background. We needed to park the van there as the road is too narrow. Hopefully the cab is on wheels  :)

Once at gyruss flat, we had a small chitchat about arcades and he showed us his "Taito station" game room. Pacman & mspacman cabs, damn i'm jealous , and his new Operation Wolf cab is huge !! Unfortunalty Gyruss need to go back to work. the discussion was too short, that'll be for next time ;)

cabs are loaded.

Gyruss kindly offered me a taito ash tray, thanks !! I don't smoke but it's a nice coins holder in a game room.

Back to belgium now, we begin to be hungry, and decided to stop at the first restaurant on the highway. And it's a .... BURGER KING !

The best way to spend the 10e found in Hilversum ^^ Whopper menu for Fr4nz and a Barbecue Grilled Chicken & bacon menu for me... mmmh fattening & tasty.

On the road again, it was boring, lots of traffic jam near maastricht, we arrived at about 5:30 pm. Time to unload the cabs in my basement.

And the cabs are joining my others :) The defender one gonna wait there until his new owner comes to pick it up.

In the end, it was a great day and nice first RT, my special thanks goes to Gyruss & Fr4nz . Until next time ;);)

hello all,

i'm trying to resurrect a power drift upright cab. the screen and the pcb seems dead. I derivated the video to a tv and now i can see the pcb is dead. Here's the result

So far, i cleaned the pcb, check all the 68k cpu by interverting them on a system16 pcb (they are all working). My last hope is to check the program eproms (but i don't have the material :s). So... i'm near to declare my pcb dead. Does anyone here knows where i can buy parts for a power drift - y-board or a working pcb ?

thanks in advance

'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / [EST,For sale] Various Cabs
« on: April 23, 2010, 09:40:38 AM »
Hello all,

I spotted a outrun cab, unfortunatly the owner want me to buy all his others cabs (5 in total). being not a specialist, i want to be sure i'll not be tricked :p coz i won't keep all the cabs. So could you evaluate , or if you're interested the following cabs :

- 1 zacarria quasar , monitor is working , original panel , no sound , pcb seems ok (thought is didn't see any background)
- 1 zacarria crazy kong. pcb display garbage (can not test sound)
- 1 rampage (sound problem), pcb working and screen
- 1 tekken cab, transformed in ps2 cab (no pcb) (not pictured)

All the rest / Hi from liege Belgium
« on: April 21, 2010, 09:36:24 AM »
Hello all,

I'm pascal from liège (belgium), arcade fan off course. I'm a sega maniac , spend lots of time on outrun, shinobi, super monaco gp , power drift cabs. In my childhood, i was waiting eagerly for the yearly fun fair with all their classic arcade games fiesta ^^ I was not even riding any rides. i was there for arcades :) Unfortunatly those arcade are long gone.

i've been following this forum and website for a long time, so now that i just have moved in my new house , i can start collecting some cabs with the blessing of my wife ;) I've started a wip on a upright power drift (not working unfortunenatly).



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