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Topics - Andreas_AUT

Pages: [1] 2
'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB: Robotron PCB
« on: November 16, 2024, 03:13:21 PM »
Hi guys,

my hopes are limited but has someone of you a spare complete boardset of robotron for sale?
I am not sure if joust or bubble would work too.

Backstory, im still restoring my robotron but there was a china pcb installed. Yes I can play the game with it but ill try to hunt the original pcb down.


Arcade Lifestyle / latest pickup
« on: September 17, 2022, 09:03:40 AM »
Hi folks,

just a short little update from my latest pickup last sunday.
I got an Sega Monaco GP built in 1980. Same state and about 3h drive in total ( rainy weather off course ).
Even if I wasnt on the search for this game, I saw that the seller was offering this game now for a few weeks, so I made an offer from my side and we came to an agreement.

The game works so far, I just did some cab cleaning and found some problems with the fan power cables which I was able to fix.
And the game is tiny, I was able to squeeze it into my gameroom between the bookshelf and the NeoGeo  ;D

Well, I am really impressed by the gameplay/graphics, I mean its an 1980?s game ( developed 1979 if i read correct ) using TTL chips ( like space invaders ).

Next goal - finding a bigger place for my games ( well its already a long term goal, im looking for about 3 years now )

Arcade Lifestyle / 2 new projects
« on: July 25, 2022, 09:35:38 PM »
Yeah yeah, I know - I already have enough projects ( which will last for years with my repair progress ) but there was an opportunity and.. I have slept a few nights over this decision... the shipping day came close for the first cab and yes, I purchased a 2nd game from blackforest warehouse.

It is:

( hope its ok to link  this since its quick and easy and here is no upload possibility )

Mario Bros and Spy Hunter.

Man, that Mario Bros ( serial number #48 !! ) needs a TON of love. Its super smelly from mold which remembers me at my dkjr and joust purchase and the wood is damaged all around the cab. Off course I need everything new ( marquee, bezel, cp overlay, sideart ) but im already in contact with Barry - I rly like his work. The PSU is ripped appart and the joysticks are stuck. Ah I almost forgot, some cords like the power cord are simply cut off - I dont know what was the matter in the states, but I will give that MB a bit more love here  ;) ;D

Ok Spy Hunter, nice old game so far. The cab itself is in pretty good condition, but the bezel, cp overlay and sideart needs to be replaced. The steering handle needs some new color too, lets see if I can use my powder coating to refurbish this?

So far, im again almost out of space ( many cab?s are stored away from home ) and yeah, buying games now is getting pricey if they are from the states...

Arcade Lifestyle / S I Roadtrip
« on: July 22, 2022, 08:54:41 AM »
Hi guys,

there was an arcade machine  offered for sale at the austrian online bazar, which I would have a) never bought for that money and b) well I wasnt really looking for this game anyways.

Well however, now it?s sitting in my garage  ??? ;)

I contacted the seller and told him what I was willing to pay for it, he gave me his numbers and we found an agreement ( well on the way to him, I was asking myself what am i?m doing )

Here we start and soon, I hit the old known highway bridge. Maybe you will recognize it from one of my earlier roadtrips, now with a 2nd bridge beside the main one. But hey, whats that, some hint about the purchase? :D

Sorry, no pictures at the sellers place, but here a 2nd little teaser on the way back...

Sidestop by an collectors friend, a little gossip and presentation of the newest purchase, then it was time for a lunch ( well the meal got served after this following picture )

And now at home, you will see what I got ( rolling drums )

It is the well known....

Super Invaders!

Built in 78 or 79 and look at this beautiful condition

nice coindoor, some Atari machine?s had them too.

Off course, the game doesnt run. Because the metal backdoor was put aside, we nearly bent the pcb while packing the cab into my SantaFe, which moved out of the cab.

Ok whats next? Cleaning, fixing and playing...

Finished with:  245 km, 4h trip ( incl sidestop and lunch ), 1 neighbour state visited, a few Euro?s and space shorter...

Technical Area / Asterock Soundboard help needed
« on: July 10, 2022, 01:45:16 PM »
Hi guys,

right now I have spent some time fixing the asterock, again.

Last time, I have checked the caps on the soundboard - however, I didnt put the 3 big caps back on to the soundboard and guess what, I put the soundboard into the cab and forgot about the caps. Off course I cant find them anymore.
At this picture, they should be left of the 2 grey caps, mounted horizontal to the board.

The manual on page 4 just says "C12-C14" without any info which caps they should be ( mF and voltage ). -->

Can someone of you help me to find out which caps they would be? If someone owns an Asterock, can you have a look if there are stats written on your caps, so I can purchase 3 new ones?

Any help to fix my stupid error is very appreciated :D


'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB - Sanyo 20EZ
« on: September 23, 2021, 09:39:30 AM »

maybe im lucky, does anyone of you have an spare Sanyo 20 EZ Monitor for my Donkey Kong Junior for sale?
Right now, im using an Hantarex but it would be nice to bring the cab back to the original hardware.


Hi all,

honestly, I would just need the spinner ( with electronics beneath ) for the upright tempest, but if somebody has a fully populated tempest upright control panel, im also interested in it.


'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / WTS - Popeye Sideart +
« on: September 04, 2021, 05:21:16 PM »

I have a spare sideart set ( left and right side ) and that instruction sticker for that black front wooden bar from ArcadeArtshop England.
I am selling this because I completely forgot about it and ordered another sideart for popeye ( which is on my cab now )  :oops: :P

€45,- for the whole set + shipping from austria in an hard carton roll.


Arcade Lifestyle / my gameroom
« on: September 02, 2021, 08:21:07 PM »
Hmm, I just watched my thread history, it really looks like I havent posted some gameroom stuff here.

Ok, I have one small gameroom on my floor right now, but still some cabs in the living room, bedroom and even a cocktail table in the kitchen.
Since I fixed popeye yesterday so far that I can play, I have one raw in my game room working ( not fully as you can see, some marquee lights need help ).

Here is it:

Berzerk, Defender, DK Jr, Popeye, Congo Bongo and Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters, on the backside i have 800 fathoms/mariner, Asterock, TAB Challenger ( austrian universal cab ) and a 4 slot NeoGeo

I am still looking for more space to place all my games at one location ( which will sadly not be in my house ) and here is my collection so far:


'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB - Mario Bros Widebody - DONE
« on: April 17, 2021, 08:59:03 PM »
As in the title, im looking for a dedicated "Mario Bros Widebody".


Arcade Lifestyle / Mini Roadtrip - Exidy Crossbow
« on: October 30, 2020, 04:36:27 PM »
Hi guys,

I just came back from my mini roadtrip, lets write that down in "darth nuno" style :D

Ok normally, this trip would go to Germany to pick up the cab. But actually, you need a maximum 48h old covid test, that you dont have the virus or you go into 14 days of quarantine. Both were not really an option for me, so I contacted the seller, if I can send him some transport company to get the game. Since german can pass the border without troubles, he offered me to bring it right across the border ( which is a total of 90km journey for him ).  So the roadtrip only takes me 1,5h single way, here we go:

Best weather to do something with games... hey wait a second, did I take the wrong lane to the crossbow?  ;)

We met an a parking space of a discounter ( dont tell them we didnt buy anything there  :oops: ) and since I got a bigger car, this 200 cm long Exidy cab fits nice into my jump buggy.

We went to an gas station to get some coffee and had a nice chat about games, how long is he collecting and some sad memories --> he told me that he was a mini bus driver in the past ( around 2000 ). On his way, he crossed a huge operator, who put arcade games to the dumbster. He said that there was crystal castles, Terminator 2 and Indiana Jones arcade cab, but he couldnt get them into his mini bus. So he picked smaller, lighter games for free.  :-\  I just mentioned, these games are valuable now.

Ok, after 5 hours, im back at home again and man oh man, this Crossbow is SUPER HEAVY. No way to move that game alone to a first floor or so.

Overall, the cab is in really nice condition and the price was very good too. To be honest, that game was not really on my wanted list. But hey, as a collector, you take games when they get offered.

Arcade Lifestyle / crystal castles
« on: November 22, 2019, 08:56:11 AM »

I want you to show the new crystal castles, which found the way to me.
As you can see its in mint condition and you can already put it into the living room. While moving into the garage, the cab already dropped a few coins - looks like the cab is happy now  ;D ( off course, it does not have to share space with the goats anymore, who bite the right edge with the t-molding away ).

Thx alex for transporting it. Funny fact, he has a crystal castles cab too and our cabs where neighbors at production ( like serial number 3564 and 3565 ).

So, here the link for the pictures ( since google wont let you direct link it anymore )

Alex told me, he already shoved a huge pile of dirt from the cab. So its in transportable condition now  :D

greetings from austria

'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB: 800 fathoms / mariner PCB
« on: August 29, 2018, 11:40:01 AM »

I have an dedicated 800 fathoms cab and im looking for the pcb now. Also produced from a different company unter the name of Mariner.
If you have one and willing to sell, please contact me.


Arcade Lifestyle / Berzerk restoration
« on: February 20, 2018, 07:50:15 PM »
Hi guys,

I posted the arrive of my berzerk here and since yesterday, I decided to to a full restoration instead of only fix it that it runs.
Reason was when I saw all the rust, I dismounted near every metal part and brought it to the sandblasting guy.
Tomorrow, I will clean the empty cab and have a look at the "modified" wiring harness ( the operator where I bought it from cut a few wires off to put a jamma connector on it ).
The G07 isnt working either, the width coil is damaged ( common problem ), but I already ordered parts from the states.

About the cab and sideart: I just wanna clean the cab and dont wanna respray it because im really happy with the sideart. And if im going to touch up the black color, I have to color it so carefully around the blue and red graphics. No, im not lazy I just know my skills  ;D  So I will brush it down with water and a sponge.

The marquee was colored completely black, with paint remover there came astro invader back to life. Well, not the correct marquee, so I ordered a used 1 from ebay usa.

There was "Rastan Saga" mounted in the cab and as you can see, they scratched off the overlay from the control panel and put a 2nd ( or 3rd ) button into it  :evil:
Since I refuse to pay 250,- for a repro, I thought I will go with an overlay. But if im lucky, I can get a used cp from a nice guy  :D
But luckily, I got the original berzerk pcb´s in an extra box.

Here you can see the burn-in in the G07. Well as I wrote, I have to fix the chassis, but I still have a few nice tubes in the garage. Lets have a look when everything is running, maybe you cant see the burn in that much.

Ah and btw, I already ordered a JROK pcb for the cab, because its bullet proof ( more or less ) and the harness was already adapted for a jamma connection.
But then we had an interesting discussion/input from Jochen at the german forum and that made me think about it again. And since I really enjoyed the restored DK Jr and Defender, I think I will give the original board a try and fix it ( or let it fix from someone who can do that ^^ ). That too was the reason I decded to dismount, derust and repaint all the metal parts. And if the original board runs, maybe I can offer you a JROK board?  ;D

Man, since Arcadiafest in hungary, I cant wait to play berzerk again  ;D

Ah yes, nearly forgot to ask you, if some has a spare plastic inlet - the one which says 25 cent and with that grey plastic behind of it? ( picture is from the web )

Arcade Lifestyle / 4 new projects, DK Jr here!
« on: April 03, 2017, 09:00:39 PM »
if I wouldnt have already enough projects...
So, 3 cabs went from germany ( Blackforest warehouse ) to austria.
At the beginning, I just looked for that NeoGeo MVS cab, so I can finally play my MVS cartridges in the big red cab. Well, my little piggyeyes saw a Nintendo DK Jr cab in the background. Long story short, the seller had 2 Nintendo cabs, 1 for sale.

Ok, a dedicated Nintendo cab was already on my list, sometime I will buy one. But, why shouldnt I ask for a package price ( which worked perfect ). I searched for Nintendo cabs in the US market and they are already at about 500,- ( or more, except you find a bargain at craigslist ). Then count the shipping cost onto it and when I compared it to my "offer", I thought that price is already fair.
The seller cut some of the shipping costs to my place too, which was really awesome from him.

A member of an german forum visited the seller, since he lives only 1 hour away from him. I guess they spoke about Joust, you must have nerves of steel when you see that cab. So the seller made an offer for that joust ( he just tried to sell it without losing money ), I saw the advertise and thought - well, a Joust is not a bad game, maybe I should pick that up too? You guess what happened.

Today, they arrived ( and they fit easily into my garage! )

After recycling the bubble wrap and shipping safety stuff, the cabs had to go off that euro pallets and off the garage into open space. Even in my big garage, I could smell that mold which was in the cabs.

State of the cabs:

The NeoGeo has the best condition of them. 1 Backdoor is damaged, I believe a 2nd wooden plate is missing. Technically, I didnt check them because I had no time for that.

2nd place goes to DK Jr.:

Sure, here and there is something to do - the CPO is damaged, speakergrill needs work, rust on that metal plate where the PCB is mounted on and again, that yellow mold. I guess it is mold, its near everywhere across the cabinet - even behind that PCB metal plate.
My father think its from a woodworm, I doubt that. I dont see holes which are normally made from woodworms and as I wrote, this yellow mold is all across the cab.

Place 4 goes to Joust:
Mold, rust, floated wood, PCB has acid dmg, Joysticks are bleached from dust and sunlight. This cabinet has really seen better days, sadly, a loooong time ago!

But I accept that challenge, that cab would not be parted out ( like guys in the US would propably do ). I will definitely restore it. From my first inspection, I have seen I must change 2 wooden plates ( front- backdoor ). I´ll have to do a more detailed inspection the following days.

So, if you ask yourself now " hey wait,  1st, 2nd and 4th place, where is the 3rd one"? Well that will be Missile command, which is definitely in a better condition like Joust, but it has some "artwork" which burns your eyes, you will see  ;D

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