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Messages - z3k3

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Arcade Lifestyle / Re: The Zaccaria WWW Picture Archive 2013
« on: January 13, 2014, 10:56:29 PM »
Cool stuff!

What are the odds of finding one of these in the US??!

Not very good, John. Probably 0.001% or less. The only Zacc piece "commonly" found stateside is Quasar. Being an original game that makes sense. Otherwise, I did spot a Zaccaria Frogger at live auction once. And for what it's worth, there are a few Sonic Missile Commands and Asteroids that I've seen.

Arcade Lifestyle / Space Invaders Part II found
« on: December 16, 2013, 06:35:15 PM »
I found a rare bird here, a Taito Space Invaders Part II (b/w version). Does anyone in Europe have one? Apologies for the low res pic. I'll post a better pic when I get the chance.

One major issue (among a couple) is that it's missing the backdrop. From my research, it appears to be a red star field image. Does anyone have one (for scanning or taking hires pics) or a lead on one to purchase? It looks like this:


Guys, please let's not get into discussing this. We will see what investigations will bring up.


Charges have been filed.

now here comes the question: thomas says he did not, you say he admitted. can you prove your statement?

COW has serial numbers of cabs that match pcbs in Chase's ebay auctions, videotape evidence, boxes of boards returned to the police, and Chase's confession of stealing. I was told: COW claimed to the police Chase stole X amount. He pleaded to the police admitting he stole, but claimed he stole a lesser Y amount. Now, if COW were lying why would they make up a convoluted story like that?

I realize you guys are worried about your container, but all signs point to Thomas' partner being a thief. Thomas was warned about Chase well in advance. The arrest warrant will be issued this week.

He THINKS he stole thousands of dollars in inventory from him. No comment on the rest of your post.

Chase admitted to the police that he stole thousands of dollars in inventory from COW. Will you admit that he stole from them at least, or are you still in denial?

since i run a business for 14 years now I still find it at least strange that Lloyd is going public with this...hat I would NEVER EVER do is to go public with it. This is totally unprofessional and there is absolutely no way that I would do business with Lloyd in any way in the future.

You're a part of "US container organisation", so your opinion is biased. He's making this public because he's pissed that an employee he trusted STOLE thousands of dollars in inventory from him. Lloyd buys and sells hundreds of machines a year. He buys and sells this equipment mostly "as-is", and that's why his prices are so low. His ex-employee took advantage of this fact to steal parts from him.

I can't speak for Lloyd, but I doubt he'll miss your "business"

Lloyd also has surveillance recordings and serial number evidence. I would have said nothing, but you were a total jerk to both Ben and Lloyd in other forums.

ok, where did you get that info?

Ben Thoburn told me. His side of the story seams ironclad. I guess Chase will have his day in court. Why don't you ask Chase or is he still not admitting what he did? Do you honestly think Ben and Lloyd are making this up to get revenge against an ex-employee? Your container business is a pittance of the volume COW does.

well, he corners the other guy in a great way...... he's marked as a thief publicly

Chase returned boxes of boards, and admitted stealing to the police. Now, he may be an good guy who made a bunch of bad decisions, but regardless he's a thief. Thomas is in denial.

Just saw this on this where the "missing" Journey Pcb's etc. ended up ?

It's possible. Chase returned these pcbs to the police. There is still more unaccounted for.

Most likely the container will be held for evidence. I doubt it's going anywhere any time soon.

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: Midway's Blue Shark
« on: February 20, 2013, 06:16:47 PM »
Nice pics, Chris!

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: Canyon Bomber
« on: December 17, 2012, 01:59:11 PM »
Neat piece. It's really interesting (from this American perspective) to see what Atari licensees did differently from the original. Is that Cascade an Avalanche bootleg?

Regarding B/W games, I'm storing a Blue Shark (Midway) cab for a friend atm.
Just love the art of the cab and the plastic background with the screen reflected on it (Space Invaders style).
I will post some pics later this week. ;)

Cool! Which version: Taito or Midway?

I picked up a Tracer a few weeks back (in the states). I was wondering if there were any (or Sega Bullet Mark) found in Europe. I noticed a Sega Secret Base showed up over there, so it's possible. Regardless, share some of your early b/w video arcade games.

Video of gameplay:

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