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Messages - MacDLSA

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Technical Area / Re: TV service codes, post them here !
« on: July 06, 2013, 11:32:02 AM »
Hi guys.

Sorry, I have to resume this thread 'cause I need the procedure to make my Bluesky BL 5126 TX enter the SERVICE MODE.

I did not found it anywhere, so if anyone knows it, please please tell me  :-[ !

THNX  :) !!!  :roll:

[note: I am planning a meeting for the DL 30th anniversary here in my little arcade garage. I could not do it before, so I think to do it in the middle-end of August, when I will (would ?  :-\) be off of my job ;) ! So,if someone is interested : Italy>Pavia>Stradella...  ;D]

All the rest / Re: Hi from Barabba
« on: October 20, 2012, 07:34:52 PM »
Hey, Filippo ! You're here, too :) !
Ciao, vecchio !!!

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Dragon's Lair Sidam Cabinet project
« on: April 22, 2012, 11:02:50 PM »
[ITA] Oddio, il cabinato Sidam è tutt'altro che facile da realizzare visto che ho dovuto faticare non poco per trovare qualche riferimento (leggasi misura) per poter ricavare tutto il dimensionamento del mobile e dei vari componenti che lo vanno a costituire.
Impazzire anche con la parte hardware di lettori laser delicatissimi e cablaggi vari non ne ho proprio voglia e tempo... ecco perchè ho scelto la strada più facile: di inserire un PC con il Daphne e la configurazione dei comandi arcade passerà attraverso l'I-PAC  ;)

Now I got it !
We already talked (also with Igorstellar who owns a Sidam DL) in an italian retrogaming forum...
The cabinet you played on several years ago in the "permanent luna park" it's the same I played, too (and also Teo did) :)

Then, you're SO right when you say that cabinet is DIFFICULT to reproduce !

Let me link you some interesting details...

Side panels (NOT PAINTED !!!... they're silk-screen printed)

The marquee, similar to the Cinematronics/Atari CPO (but, as you probably did, it could be done with some "hi-level" photoshop modifies...)

Sidam dedicate coindoor, almost impossible to find

The CPO may be the easier part to be reproduced

Here they comes...
The metal rails used to retain the glass have "Sidam" writings on them, and they're forged.
An the internal artworks ? Where will you find scans for them ?

So, if you say you will do a Sidam-LIKE cabinet, then it's OK.
But a FULLY-reproduced is another thing.

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Dragon's Lair Sidam Cabinet project
« on: April 21, 2012, 11:07:07 PM »
This "project" takes me back in time a few year or so...
Let me say that an I-Pac/VE is enough (and cheap) for a "simple" laserdiscgames cabinet (and also for a MameCab, too ;)!)

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Dragon's Lair Sidam Cabinet project
« on: April 20, 2012, 11:40:25 PM »
SO NICE, SpiderMan !!!
We always missed the Sidam cabinet project, and you GOT IT !!!

I think it's time we "call" Mark (the one who wrote the Euro drivers for Lair & Ace) AGAIN (I did it years ago...) and tell him if he COULD complete the emulation  :spaceace: !

Of course, please post some pics of your "Work-In-Progress" ;) !

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Dragon's Lair cab' replica... by Luca
« on: February 21, 2012, 07:04:46 PM »
Pleased to meet you, Luca !
Thanks for your words about my LITTLE gameroom... it's a very "tiny" thing compared to the "Royal Palaces" you could find around here in DLF... but I am very satisfied !
Yeah, this DL cab does "support" one-button games BUT also some other like CliffHanger (foot buttons are 1p & 2p start, just like in its original arcade cab). There are some limitations due to the overscan video output of PC's VGA... both DL and SA works this way also in their original hardware, and even Cliffy, but, for example, Esh's does not: so if I try to play it then the display cut out overlayed upper/lower counters of visible part of the screen. Of course it doesn't matter to me, as my target was the "Bluth's brothers" (nice!! Never heard before but it sounds great :) !!) and their "little brother" Time Warp, too.
Heh, a Space Ace cab... cannot find the place to set it, but if there were I think I'd took (or even built ;)) a Sega Rally Championship :) !
Oh, never mind there were other "revision(s)" of your measurements... my cab is built almost entirely following Igor's (so also yours) and with some little modifies I made measurings Matteo's (I think you know him) european DL & SA cabinets :). Regarding Teo I want to say that Daphne's euro captures are taken from his laserdiscs... yeah, we made the captures, he helped Mark Broadhead (writer of Daphne drivers) with the emulation, I made some video editing works...
Unfortunately they're not "arcade perfect" but I can say it's kinda' 95% :) !

VCS 2600 Dragon's Lair ?
Take a look at the pic of my avatar...
I had been workin' around it since years... but I stopped, due to several other priorities...
The project is still running, although I've to wait some more time...
This clip is how it would have to be the drawbridge screen, but no more things... (Digital Leisure HQ is, of course, fully informed ;)).

PANT! Writing on this iPhone touchkeys is SO frustrating :D, so we talk again later, dude !

Byee for now!

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Dragon's Lair cab' replica... by Luca
« on: February 19, 2012, 12:36:56 PM »
Thanks Inuyaksa :-[ !
I have to repeat that without Luca's measurements I could have never built it !

...SIDAM versions substituited with a genlock pcb

Oh, I love "our" BLUE SCREEN, typical of the Atari (and so, the Sidam's) revisions'.
It owns a wild sort of "something fascinating"... but, as usual, despised by our "overseas cousins"  ;) !

Bruno !!!

This adventure (because it REALLY was an adventure !!!) could be one of the most colossal "cabinet recovery trips" ever seen !
I'm sure you all should be able to find and recover a pinball inside the submerged hull of the Titanic !!!
Maybe Omero could have wanted to say something about it in his Iliad and Odyssey... and even Kubrick in hi "TwoThousandsAndOne", but in that case, the "Monolith" is ONLY mine ;) :D !

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Dragon's Lair cab' replica... by Luca
« on: February 19, 2012, 11:55:56 AM »
AWESOME JOB, Luca/Po|ng !!!
[sorry.. I can't resist: my Sears' Pong (1975)  :lol:

We've never presented... SO, I'm Marco, from Pavia, Italy :).
I am "one of the others" whose built a DL cab with all the measurements you took long ago together with Igorstellar !

I also wanted to fully-reproduce an Atari cab for my Daphne machine (for the same youngness memories matters like yours' :)), but my thought immediately changed... I also want(ed) to play all the U.S. versions, but I ABSOLUTELY did not want to see the on-screen-overlayed score/lives  :-X.
That's the reason why I made some "modifies" (2007) to the shape and the "essence" of the cabinet :), matching (or made it very close to) the Cinematronics DL cabinet:
_ the 2 roundings on the upper part of the shoulders, typical of Cinematronics cabs
_ the Cinematronics coin door with repro adhesive sticker (long ago Jeff Kinder sent me a couple of those stickers :))
_ the score counter panel, of course placed in the middle of the audio speakers (ok, ok.. in this way I could not place an Atari adhesive, but believe me it was a necessary but "fruitful" sacrifice  ;D !)

So, I must say that I'll never thank both you and Igor enough for your great work, 'cause without it I could have never built such a beautiful cab !
It all runs with a Daphne PC, which I recently "threw" into a (dead)VP932 nude chassis (and not yet well-fixed); no 15khz RGB out because my previous ATI 9250 blew in a black cloud, so I replaced it with another ATI which is connected with a poor (but litterally enough for LaserDiscGame purposes) cvbs out to the 20" Samsung CRT TV tube.

And... incredible but true: seems that the "famous" Philips VP932 curse did not have affected this case, 'cause it works GREAT since months... :D !
Could we think for a DEFINITIVE "curse-free" situation or have I to wait for a complete "guru meditation" ?  :shock: :evil:

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: LDPlayer "converted" ?
« on: September 18, 2011, 03:16:34 PM »
inuyaksa ! You're here, too ! :)

...A DL cab with scoreboard is very rare in Italy...
Well, not if you buy the scoreboard in USA and you place it in a (self-builded) Daphne cab...  :wink:

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: LDPlayer "converted" ?
« on: September 15, 2011, 10:25:46 PM »
Hehe, I knew it would have been better if I had taken an empty LD-V1000, historically faster, more reliable and, in my case, with an uncursed chassis :D, without taking away the fact that it is more appropriate for my Cinematronics repro cabinet ;). And that's the reason I asked you if you also have a "landfill-destinated" V1000, Teo... (yep, I know you haven't one in such conditions)

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / LDPlayer "converted" ?
« on: September 14, 2011, 11:44:27 PM »
Hi everybody !

Some time ago I was about to kick my Dragon's Lair-Daphne cab's PC out of its case and simply place it on a retractile woodpanel, to obtain a layout like the drawer of a Jamma cabinet.
For my "Monolith" multi-emulator arcade cab I reserved to the PC electronics a shelf inside the cab:

... but I continue to prefer the "all-in-the-chassis" layout, because it's SO quick and simple to take out of the cab if any assistance is needed.

Well, here came Teo's (italiandoh) idea (THNX, Teo !!!) :) !

I took from him some "landfill-destinated" unfunctional LaserDiscPlayers and asked him for a Philips 22VP932...
So he gave me one, previuosly emptied of all its electronic parts, then I proceeded to remove almost all the screw housings, the disc compartment and...
Well, you could take a look here to watch the (temporary... still has to be fixed better) result ;)

That picture is taken with my '09 iPhone 2Mpx camera, so sorry for the (bad) quality...
I litterally "threw" a complete PC inside the 932 :) !
Pentium4 (Socket478), 512MB RAM, ATI radeon 9250 (TV OUT), 160GB HDD, PSU (300W).
Power and HDD led respectively placed in the "Power" and "Play" slots in the 932 display (they both are a little bit blurred), and power button fixed in an accessible position in the back of the cab .
Maybe when I have more spare time I could fix it all and reduce all that "flying" cables around inside the cab...

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Play Dragon's Lair Blind
« on: September 08, 2011, 12:17:13 PM »
Hehe, maybe, Chris :) !

The next step is playin' BOTH Dragon's Lair and Space Ace TOGETHER, keepin' the first on my right (its cabinet) and the second on my left (the "Monolith").
Wanna see if I could even finish one of them  :-\ , maybe before I'll have to come back to my job ;) :D !

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Play Dragon's Lair Blind
« on: September 08, 2011, 11:59:45 AM »
So every morning, first you brush your teeth, then you complete a blind DL's game or is it the other way around?  ;)

Wife & daughter went to the market, I stayed at home due to my knee-injury (a broken meniscus ! In fact the hardest part for me was goin' down from the stairs to reach my little arcade room  :'()... so why do not blindplayin' even BEFORE toothbrushing ?

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Play Dragon's Lair Blind
« on: September 07, 2011, 10:33:39 PM »
Well, it seems that I've lost that *precious* clip  :'( !
today, when I just got up, I decided to record something ;) ...

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