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Messages - Dazza

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15 ... 20
Artwork / Re: Euro Joust needs Marquee fixed up....
« on: April 08, 2009, 03:31:09 PM »
Dexter, are you using Live Trace for that?

Galaxian Theater / Re: Bonjour!
« on: April 08, 2009, 11:00:07 AM »
Wow pretty cool stuff you are investigating there. I would have loved to get into reverse engineering stuff for MAME, I just don't think I would have had the time, knowledge or patience though and I wouldn't have a clue where to even start!

Awesome catch. A classic!

Excellent, if you got the skillz go for it.

Level 4 is, using my method of point pressing, the most lucrative level in the game. It nets around 125,000 points, flamers are your friends.

So where do you do most of your point pressing?

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: I'm building my personal Gaming Room...
« on: March 20, 2009, 10:52:35 AM »
Looking good Bruno, looking GOOD!  ;D 8)

What did you score?

Now I have made my INP file public you should view it and be able to pick up some pointers as to where you can pull some serious points (ie end of level 4 / 8 ). Taking second position shouldn't be too difficult with a bit of practise.....  :P

How long were you playing to get your score?

I played back in the day and could probably get to level 4. I picked it up again for the first time since '86 last July as part of a competition on Jamma+

So 8 months total to get the Million, but some serious play in that time, probably 5 nights a week. So some serious time invested. It's only because I love the game so much I managed to continue for so long. There were times I was close to giving up, playing levels 1 & 2 over and over and over again.... It was only the million barrier that kept me going  :shock:

what are the sizes of these recording files??

The actual INP files range in size from a few k to 10s of mb. Depends on the game, how many keys get pressed, and the length of the recording. My Rolling Thunder recording was around 17mb. I saw a flying shark recording that was about 70mb (lots & lots of button presses). They zip down REALLY small, my RT one comes in at around 110k zipped.

what is there to stop you from using one of those key press sequence recorders, so all you need to do a complex move is push 1 button?? i know twin galaxies are anal, they have to be, just wanted to see how anal.  ;D

There is probably nothing to stop that, it would be limited to certain games though and I don't know if you could tell from the INP as the key presses would always be identical. I know they can detect if auto fire has been used and DQ them, but don't know the full extent of their "verification" process.

How do you get it verified ? I know I can beat the 100K ones, is it just a screen grab ?

I have only submitted on emulated format so far. So if you are playing on MAME the following applies:

You HAVE to play on Wolf Mame 106, which is downloadable from the Twin Galaxies website. This also means you have to be running a compatible set of ROMS. If this is a problem I can sort you out, as I know you own the board and their are not any legality problems ;)

Wolf Mame is used, because when you are recording, a lot of functionality is removed, you cannot pause or save / load states, for obvious reasons.

Anyway, you then have to record your game to a file. Use the GUI version and simply select "Play and record input...". This will create an INP and WLF file, if you want to play it back simply select "Playback Input..." from the menu and select the INP file.

When you have a recording of your high score and want to submit you have to rename the two files. is what I used (drevans-rthunder-1023380.inp) and zip them up using the same naming convention. You then simply log onto Twin Galaxies and select "Submit your scores" from the front page and follow the process through, it's pretty self explanatory.

Now if you want to submit on Arcade format you have to jump through a hell of a lot more hoops, record attract mode, record opening cabinet, record dip switches and board etc. etc. All the details for that procedure can be found here:

Happy scoring!

Thanks for the headline Bruno  8) ;D I'm ready to take on anyone at Funspot anytime!  :D

I just checked too, WOW!

It's OFFICIAL already:


That was incredibly quick.... Last submission took over a month!

For all you Rolling Thunder fans I thought I would share a little bit of good news.

I have obliterated my previous world record score and in the process I.....

I scored 1,023,380:

It's been submitted to Twin Galaxies this morning, so lets just hope the verification process is quick and passes!

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Inner Bezel artwork
« on: March 11, 2009, 12:01:24 PM »
Jason Finn owns that, unless he sold it, which I very much doubt!

Send him a PM. He may be able to help you out, he's a really helpful chap.

All the rest / Re: Birthday...
« on: March 11, 2009, 11:10:00 AM »
Harry Birthday Mr Nuno!!!!!  8)

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Mistery board
« on: March 11, 2009, 12:47:03 AM »
I can't quite believe that meet was over 2 years ago  :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Only seems like last year!

Technical Area / Re: how to ... ""DIG" SHAPES INTO WOOD ???
« on: March 09, 2009, 10:58:08 PM »
since i don't have a jigsaw and i hadn't planned on buying one ...

Just use a coping saw then, only cost a few pounds, if you are prepared to do it manually.

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