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Messages - victors

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Hi DarthNuno, thanks for the warm welcome! 

I hope I can share some interesting stories and tidbits of information on the history and making of the Amiga version that has never been shared.  Honestly, I don't know what ever happened to all the great guys that contributed to the making of it!  They all sort of disappeared!  :o

Most of the graphics that were done for the game were done on EA's classic Deluxe Paint.  I remember each of the team members were provided with a video of the game (taken from the original LD - I still have mine on Betamax tape!) as well as frame by frame captures of each scene on floppies.  I was lucky enough to get the fun Balls room and the ending sequence! 

The original frame capture was layered in Deluxe Paint, and our task was to create a 16 (?) colour palette version of it.  Each frame was manually redrawn by hand!  That meant LOTS of work and lots of frames for just a few seconds of animation (remember this was before MPEG and auto-tweening existed).  I think we were paid something like $1 Canadian per frame. ;)

The original animation that I did for the ending "Dirk Kissed by Daphne" sequence had a fantastic number of 'sparkles' that took me forever to draw!  Each one had to be pain-stakenly tracked to know if the sparkle was growing or shrinking.  I was actually damn proud of that beautiful animation (trust me, it was lots of work!)  Sadly, in the end ALL the sparkles had to be removed to allow the game to fit onto the 8 floppies! :(  I think I still have the original Kao-Didak floppies with the 'sparkles' version somewhere.  I'd be surprised if they haven't demagnetized by now... I'll have to try to dig that up for y'all :)

Okay.. continue this again shortly : )


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / From the Original Dragon's Lair (Amiga) Team
« on: August 06, 2008, 07:22:50 PM »
Hello Everyone!

Its fantastic to still see fans of Dragon's Lair, something that is near and dear to my heart!  Thanks to the admin that runs this site which I recently just stumbled upon randomly. :-)

Just to give you a bit of background, my name is Victor Sue and I was one of the original graphic artists for the Amiga version of DL!  I'm responsible for the Balls room and also the ending sequence where Singe is chasing Dirk and where Dirk finally slays the evil dragon and gets a big fat kiss from Princess Daphne! :-)

If you're interested, I'd be happy to share my experiences working on this fantastic project and answer any questions that you may have had about its development (Amiga version).

I don't think any of it has ever been revealed or told publicly, so hopefully over the next while I can share a bit of history with the remaining fans of the game! 

Yes, I have interesting tidbits of info on David, Randy, Mark, Pat, Kenneth, Bernie, Jim, and the rest that worked on the game. :-)  More to come...


(One of the original D.Lair team! :)

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