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Topics - Tup

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High Score - Are you the best ... around? / A new DK Jr record
« on: May 07, 2013, 11:52:37 PM »

Wow, that is an amazing record. With a lot of hard work I can only get a quarter of that score  >:( It is amazing what those top players can achieve! I have had the privillige of seeing Aart van Vliet live at Eurocade and witnessing first had the level of concentration needed for a record. Insane!

Meetings, Exhibition, Events... / Kong Off
« on: November 16, 2012, 06:34:23 PM »
For the very few who might have missed it, the kong off started today. All the best Kong players playing for 3 days against eachother. Very exciting!
Nice short interview here with Richie Knuckles, Hank Chien and the owner of the 1up Arcade where it is being held:
More info here: 

'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / What to do?
« on: April 14, 2012, 10:50:34 PM »
Hi people, I need your expert advise. I am looking for an original Donkey Kong (yeah right, who isn't). Anyways, I came across this:
A lot of money but since I am totally not handy I know I will have to pay a bit more for a perfect working cab. Unfortunately, this one is not only expensive, it is not working. My questions are: is it very hard and expensive to replace a monitor for a DK? Do you think it is worth the money (cab plus new? monitor)?
Really need your input on this. I have been saving specially for this so I don't mind spending my money on it, but only if I can be sure that it can be fixed up and that I am not paying too much.

All the rest / new member's first post
« on: October 09, 2011, 01:48:32 AM »
Hi all,

I have never posted here before and was't even a member until recently, but I loved reading all the posts here for a long time. Since I didn't have anything interesting to contribute I was contented with just lurking. But that has changed.

First a bit about me: been playing arcade-games since I was about 12 yo. First one I ever played was Donkey Kong (still number one imho), followed by DK Jr, Kungfu Master and Pengo. And those are the four games I am now looking for. I also play PS3 (mostly Japanese games like Yakuza) Wii (coz of the older games you can get for that one) and PC (mostly Civilization V).
I am married and have a son who's three years old and loves the cabinet I recently bought (see below).

Two days ago I picked up my first (well, not really my first but that is a different story) cabinet. It is an original (at least I hope it is) Nintendo Donkey Kong Jr. Since I lack the skills that all you wizzards seem to have (I can change a lightbulb but that is about it when it comes to technical stuff) the cabinet I was looking for had to be in working condition and look not too beat up either and it had be an dedicated one (as I said the DK Jr isn't really the first cabinet I owned. Had a Killer Instinct mame-cab).
After looking everywhere for a long time and even considering paying a small fortune to import one from the USA (which after reading posts about that here, seemed also not the smartest thing to do) someone on a different forum offered his DK Jr for sale. I made an appointment to take a look and it was love at first sight. The cabinet is almost perfect. The seller claims that it is not restored just new t-molding and a highscore save-card added. After testing it and finding the game worked perfect I decided to buy it. He also had a Donkey Kong but unfortunately was not willing to sell it (and who can blame him!).
Brought it back home and my wife agreed to let me put it on our living room under one condition: I had to quite smoking. Which I did  ;D. Been playing with it continuesly now and have a very meager highscore of 50,000  :oops: But it is sooooo much fun. It is like being that 12-13 yo old again with my gulden (Dutch currency) in the arcade.

Attached are some pics of the cabinet (hope they work)

I hope to particpate in some of the topics here from now on and look forward to getting to know you guys!

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