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Messages - maximebeauvais

Pages: [1]
Big atari fan here and this is the first time I saw that box.

I will have to share this with some friend on


All the rest / Re: hello from Canada
« on: October 30, 2013, 06:39:31 PM »
you want a video instead:

this is pretty old but it will give you an idea of my collection.

atari 2600: over 600 games
atari 5200: over 50 games
atari 7800: over 50 games
intellivision: over 300 games (only missing one game to have a complete in box collection.....spiker)
NES + SNES: over 50 game (I sold almost all my collection expect the one that I like)

I had a joust arcade at one point (my only one). oh I forgot to say that I have 10 tabletop (donkey kong, zaxxon, popeye.....etc)

I bought the cabinet (it was empty). I was supposed to do a mame with it but decided to do a rebuilt. Got the boards, power supply, control panel, marquee, bezel....etc and bingo it was working. Sold it after.

Then I got an other empty cabinet and did a mame with it. Sold it.

Now, I'm starting a mame bartop. software is almost all done. then I will look for plan and hardware part.

I don't have extra space in my basement and my wife don't really like arcade. I will never have a big game room like you could found here but I will continue to play all my favorite arcade game on my future mame !!!!

All the rest / hello from Canada
« on: October 29, 2013, 09:02:12 PM »
After several year of coming here, i taugh that today was the time to register.

Not really sure how i first got here but one of my main interest was the game room built by word WOW.

However, their are nany great post about other game room. You guys are great.

Living in Canada, Quebec and big fan of arcade game. I had a mame for several year but sold it last year. Now i'm building a bartop mame. I have over 1500 video game like atari 2600, intellivision.....take less space then arcade !!!

Always fu  to come and spend hours to look at other great stuff

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