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Topics - simplesi

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Hi, I'm looking for a Nintendo Space Firebird Cocktail PSU PCB. It's the one that screws on to the side wall of the cabinet with the pinouts for the two controls, etc. If anyone has a working spare, that would be great. We can discuss cost, etc. I also ordered a fix from Mike's Arcade, but was hoping to keep it original. I will send pics of the build ASAP.


Hi Everyone. It's been a wee while since I've been on here. Busy time... marriage, a kid, moving, etc. Anyway, I'm moving to Luxembourg before the year is out (to avoid Brexit) and wanted to find out, once Covid is more relaxed, if there was anything happening or anyone fancy a beer or a Dr Pepper? I'll be bringing my modest two arcades over (a fully restored Nintendo Space Firebird cocktail and an Astro Fighter upright). Also looking for work too.  ;D


'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / FOR SALE - Zaccaria Deluxe Cabaret
« on: July 23, 2016, 07:15:50 PM »
Hi Chaps,

Been a wee while since I've been on here. Hope you've been having fun!  ;D

I've decided to sell my Zaccaria Deluxe Cabaret. Here are some links to the cab on my Dropbox. These are old pics and I will update them for you, but thought I'd show the wee gem off to you:

It all works great and I think it's a 276 in 1. I will double check.

I am based in Edinburgh, in Scotland (hopefully remaining in the EU). Happy to chat about price.


Hi all,

It's been a while since I've been posting and visiting the forum, but I've been catching up with some great reading on here.

I was inspired by Darth Nuno's Xbox 360 kioak and managed to get my hands on one myself. I just wanted to ask if any of you (or Darth) have issues with the Xbox button on the controller being disabled?



Meetings, Exhibition, Events... / Visit to Frankfurt... arcades?
« on: March 23, 2014, 01:04:30 PM »

I'm heading to Frankfurt in the next couple weeks for a wee holiday and going to be enjoying the Baden-Württemberg area. I had read that there is an arcade museum called FLIPPER- UND ARCADEMUSEUM SELIGENSTADT. Does anyone know it and would recommend it, or are there any other places to go?



Hey. I'm in Frankfurt for a couple days... are there any good recommendations of an arcade to visit?


'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / Wanted - Monitor Surround/Bezel 14"
« on: October 20, 2013, 12:37:08 PM »
Guys, I'm looking for a monitor bezel/surround to sit between my monitor and the glass overlay. Does anyone have one that they would wish to sell me?



Arcade Lifestyle / Zaccaria Cabaret (Mini)
« on: September 27, 2013, 12:30:30 AM »
I have finally joined the ranks of the European Zacc cab owners (do I get a badge now?).  8) I was lucky to get my grubby paws on this little beaut. Once own by Ben, Olly, Shaun and now me! It will never leave Scotland!

It needs a little love and T-Moulding replacement, woodwork, etc, but I will get this baby back to minty condition. It once contained Pac N Paint... may convert it to another Zacc game if you guys could help me out.

Any advice on where to start would be appreciated. Maybe it will come to Eurocade 2014!

'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / WANTED - 14" Monitor
« on: August 02, 2013, 07:47:26 PM »

I am looking for a working 14" monitor (idealy a nice hanty MTC 9000). I thought I a sale arranged with Poldercade, but that has fallen through. If any one wlse can help I would appreciate it. I will happily pay.

I look forward to hearing from you.




I'm looking for a complete Nintendo Space FIrebird Wire Harness and a PSU. Can anyone help?


Technical Area / Nintendo Space Firebird
« on: August 02, 2013, 04:12:51 PM »

How's it going? I've ben busy here... restoring a Nintendo Space Firebird Cocktail (pics of the restoration to follow). I have complete polished, painted, re-veneered, fixed a vertical collapse, recapped the monitor, had the pcb professionally repaired... nearly finished... NEARLY!

I have a couple issues that I would like to fix that would make this an absolute mint restoration.

The first issue I would like to try and fix is that I cannot centre the image on the screen and seem to have the image roll over on the left side of the sceen (see pics below). Does anyone know how to resolve this or had similar experience in this?

Here's a video:

The second issue is that sometimes the board does not boot. I know when the game works that there is some sound on start up. Occasionally, there is nothing. I know power is getting to the monitor. COuld this be a loose coneection to the gameboard? The voltages seem correct. As this does not happen all the time could it be a PSU problem? Should I recap the PSU?

Any help to these problems would make my day. With your help this will soon be my first ever (sucessful) restoration.

Thanks in advance,


Arcade Lifestyle / Was there a TV thread?
« on: July 23, 2013, 10:04:25 PM »
Guys was there a replacement TV thread? I cannot find it... feel a bit stupid. It had something about codes. Sorry.

Technical Area / Phillips CM3388 MK2 Monitor
« on: June 04, 2013, 10:33:47 PM »

I recently got a Phillips M3388 MK2 Monitor to be used as a test monitor. I understand that I need to create a cable that will allow the jamma video output to connect to the 9-pin rgb d-sub input of the monitor. Has anyone done this, and does anyone have a good wiring diagram please?

Many thanks,


'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / Wanted - 14" Monitor
« on: May 15, 2013, 08:43:44 PM »

I'm looking for a 14" crt monitor. Does anyone have a nice burn free one thqt they would be willing to sell to me?



Technical Area / Sega/Gremlin Astro Blaster
« on: May 15, 2013, 06:27:15 PM »
Hey. I was lucky enough to pick up a rather glossy looking Sega/Gremlin Astro Blaster.

It's in nice condition, but there seems to be an issue. The machine lights up, monitor powers up, etc. However, there is no sound and what looks like garbled squares on the screen. I assume that the problem is board related. Does anyone have this cab and knows of this problem. Can't find a manual, except for the larger cabs. Does this matter? It contais the G60 cage.

Could it be the boards not getting the appropriate voltage?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.


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