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Topics - Dazza

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All the rest / Do you like theme parks?
« on: February 27, 2015, 10:35:57 AM »
We do!

We recently got back from Florida and loved it.

Following in the footsteps of my recent video of the day compilation, here is what we got up to:

For you poor YouTubers who can't see copyrighted material, here's the dropbox service:

Hope you enjoy!

All the rest / This was my 2012/2013
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:14:42 AM »
I don't frequent here as much as I used to, but thought I'd share my 2012/2013 with you guys as I know you all like a documented event!

Back in 2012 I saw someone had done a whole year of their life in video snippets. I decided to do the same, so, starting a bit late (Feb 23rd) I started.

This is my 2012, and a bit of 2013, in video clips.

Thought some of you might enjoy. It certainly brings a smile to my face :)

See if you can spot all the video games I slipped in there.

Is it possible to embed a YouTube video on here?

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Streaming Dragon's Lair Cartoons
« on: April 23, 2014, 11:59:12 AM »
Found this site which streams a bunch of older cartoon series. Amongst which are the animated Dragon's Lair one (I know you can download them from the front page too...)

Might be of interest for the nostalgic and ones with little ones. My daughter loves the old Scooby Dos.

'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB: Original Rygar PCB
« on: November 24, 2010, 05:00:42 PM »
After getting a dodgy board and failing to fix it myself and sending it off and still failing to get it working. I'm back in the market for an original Rygar PCB.

If anybody on here has one for sale or knows someone how has one could you let me know. Would be grateful for anyone to keep an eye out, you lot definitely seem quite capable of finding some gems!

Dunno if we have any Spectrum fans here but I thought I'd put it out there. There is a Dragon's Lair in there! ;D

I'm selling my ZX Spectrum 128k (heatsink/"toastrack" version):

As it was free to auction at the weekend I shoved it on EBay:

It has a starting price of £100. Take a look at the auction, there are loads and loads of photos, and it really is a superb example of that machine, dare I say mint.....

It's has also had a new keyboard membrane fitted, at a cost of £17.50, as the original one was starting to play up. I did manage to fix the original one but it was not ideal, working one day then not on others. The new one is brilliant and should keep it running reliably for many years to come.


In poly with accessories:

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Dragon's Lair Plagiarism?
« on: April 01, 2010, 03:31:58 PM »
With the re-release of Clash Of The Titans, we were discussing at work classic fantasy films. Someone mentioned a film from 1981, Dragonslayer.... Now here is the cover for that film:

Now, does anyone recognise that font?!?! That film was released in 1981, 2 years before Dragon's Lair. Who copied who?!?

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / How cool are these?
« on: March 12, 2010, 04:14:24 PM »
Where would one get one of these?

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Animation Cels
« on: February 01, 2010, 09:05:10 PM »
[EDITED: Hosted images on Google photos and linked to those following Photobucket's ransom]

Thought I'd share my collection of Dragon's Lair Cels:

Smithee Room (Massive wide pan):

Resurrection Scene:

Lizard Kind Death:

Throne Room:

Anvil Death Scene:

Spider Death Scene:

Falling Death Scene:

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Finny's Cels on EBay
« on: December 16, 2009, 11:32:53 AM »
Finny is selling a lot of his artwork and they are going for stupidly *low* prices on EBay. I've picked up about 6 pieces off Finny over the last month, including the all famous Smithy Scene (which I have been badgering him about ever since I first met him  ;D)

If you want some artwork, get some bids in, most are worth over £300, and they are selling for under £100!!!!!

He's got 7 pieces up for auction right now!

It's a shame the collection is being broken down, a damn shame, but lets at least make some of these pieces sell at a respectable price!

'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / Rygar - Legendary Warrior
« on: June 02, 2009, 10:56:43 AM »
For such a cheap board it is proving incredibly difficult to get hold of an original Rygar PCB. Plenty of bootlegs around, but no originals.   :roll: :evil:

If anyone sees one for sale could you keep me in mind please  ;D

Arcade Lifestyle / Afterburner - Sitdown
« on: May 11, 2009, 02:21:03 PM »
Bruno, you like big, noisy and moving arcade cabinets....

Afterburner - UK EBay

For all you Rolling Thunder fans I thought I would share a little bit of good news.

I have obliterated my previous world record score and in the process I.....

I scored 1,023,380:

It's been submitted to Twin Galaxies this morning, so lets just hope the verification process is quick and passes!

Arcade Lifestyle / :: Rolling Thunder Roadtrip ::
« on: January 18, 2009, 01:19:11 PM »
So I've set the Rolling Thunder world record on Mame. It's time to get serious and take the arcade record  :twisted: So first step, I need to get access to a machine.... Someone on Jamma+ points out there is one on EBay!  :arrow:

I think it's slightly overpriced and put an offer in, it's ACCEPTED ;D No messing around, I want this before Christmas, so I arrange to pick it up the next day! It's in Southampton so a couple of hours drive, lets plan the route.  :arrow:

Unfortunately it won't fit in my car so I need access to a van. My brother in law has one, so I call him up and he says he can lend me the van and will come along to help too  :wink: It's a small van so we measure it to see if it will fit  :arrow:

Hmmm, won't quite fit. We are going to take a chance and bungy close the doors. The van is full of work equipment so needs emptying  :arrow:

After clearing, damn generators are heavy, we have some room  :arrow:

The helpers, Luke and Steve  :arrow:

We need to fill up with petrol :arrow:

Some snacks for the journey, Pringles (the best crisps ever) :-*  :arrow:

And of course, our favorite drink, DR Pepper!  :arrow:

We have some pasties and other drinks but they are tucked away in the back of the van. So we set off and half way round the M25, can you believe it, it's clear!  :arrow:

The van is VERY slow, top speed 70mph DOWN HILL!!! We get there just before dark and meet Jon the seller. We unload "The Machine", doesn't she look a beauty  :arrow:

The original side art is in fantastic condition  :arrow:

Money is exchanged and Jon has one last touch. This is now MINE!!!  :evil: :arrow:

Ok, now lets try and fit it in the van.... Hmmm... as expected it sticks out the back  :-[ :o Still we cover it up to protect that artwork  :arrow:

"Secure" the door with a single bungy rope! I'm not so sure but Steve says it's gonna be ok :shock: Well we are stuck here with a machine and it's getting dark so we have to chance it  :arrow:

Phew, we made it all the way back home. The machine is still in place, let's uncover it and move it inside. No pictures of the process....'cause we are both handling it  :D :lol:  :arrow:

Finally, in the house  :arrow:

Unfortunately the game PCB is faulty so no new world records for a while yet! I'm going to try and fix it myself so it could take a while  :o

I'll get some closer pictures of the machine inside and out when I get a chance :)

[EDITED: Now using Goggle photos rather than PhotoBucket ransomware]

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