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Messages - Geosword X

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Galaxian Theater / Re: Interstellar Dimensions (and other works)
« on: October 14, 2013, 02:48:06 AM »
Instead of drawing by hand, you may use a basic 3D rendering software to produce the images?

I would if I knew how 3D rendering works but I feel fine sticking with pencil and paper for now. I do thank you for enjoying my comic so far. :D

Galaxian Theater / Starblade Interstellar Dimensions (and other works)
« on: October 12, 2013, 10:43:13 PM »
DISCLAIMER: Starblade is property of NAMCOBANDAI. All artwork ©GEOSWORD X 2013.

Hello, Geosword X here to present something nice for the Starblade/Galaxian 3 community.
It's a hand drawn comic I made back in January and I hope it is a good contribution to the community.
Comments (and criticisms) are welcome (I'm not the best drawer in the world :P).

To start with, here is the synopsis with cast line up:

United Galaxy Space Force (UGSF) FX-01 Geosword, goes on a routine (and uneventful) Patrol Session near Andromeda.
After a brief radio report, Geosword spots the Enemy Flagship Commander! Throwing caution to the wind, Geosword follows the Comander, until he
ends up in an unknown territory of Andromeda. Without communication to Home Base, how will Geosword get home; let alone SURVIVE!?

FX-01 Geosword (UGSF)
Enemy Flagship Commander (UIMS)
UGSF Patrol Commander (UGSF)
Enemy Fleet (UIMS)
Other ships in Starblade fleet (UGSF)
The stars and heavens
Ultra Supreme Interstellar Space Station (UNKNOWN)

Geosword X proudly presents:

Patrol Commander: Geosword, come in, Geosword. This it Patrol Commander. Give me your location, over.

Geosword: This is Geosword. I am currently near Alpha 26972 heading towards NGC224. Do you want me to continue Patrol mission? Over.

Patrol Commander:
Affirmative. Continue Patrol Mission until further notice. Patrol Commander out.


Geosword: Patrol Commander, this is Geosword. I am now 512.3 SKM twords NGC224. Do you.....!!!!!!
!!!!! It's the Enemy Flagship commander!

Geosword: This doesn't make sense. Didn't I defeat the Enemy Flagship Commander in my last mission?
??? No matter! He's getting away!

"Warp point set. Commander heading towards NGC224. Geosword warp point is located. Coordinates set at N246."

"Pursue and engage Enemy Flagship Commander."

Don't touch that dial! Stay tuned for more! ;)

Galaxian Theater / Re: Quickplay-Starblade
« on: October 12, 2013, 02:08:03 PM »

Here is short video of recent score.


Here's a small link I found with someones own account on the Wonder Eggs 3 theme park.
The site is entirely in Japanese (in which I got a headache from reading some of it... :ghost:) but it provides a few links to some images and videos (which I have not checked out).

I also found this image from the official NAMCO web site (archived) about the Wonder Eggs 3 closing.

Galaxian Theater / Re: Quickplay-Starblade
« on: October 10, 2013, 02:06:02 AM »
Yes, difference in control does make a world of a difference! :wink: Even after just playing the Sega CD version, it does yield a difference. I felt as if I had free reign of control with the PS2 version over the sluggish PSX version. To compare with Sega CD, I find the controls not as sluggish but the depth of field is smaller due to the low resolution the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive can output.

Galaxian Theater / Re: Quickplay-Starblade
« on: October 09, 2013, 03:33:57 AM »
*NEW* Score Update:

I finally did it! ;D
1,055,400  5/7/13
Completely spearheads the Starblade Alpha score of 1,006,800! :lol:
May post video proof of if soon.

Has anyone else made up to 1,000,000 points score on their respective versions of Starblade?

Galaxian Theater / Re: Galaxian3 reboot on modern console gaming systme?
« on: October 09, 2013, 03:20:41 AM »
Just a question. Does Galaxian3 use interlace? Like most namco systems at that time.

This link here provides the CPU and Video board specs and I remember reading something being interlaced but
not sure if it pertains to the Video board.

are the templates/models and pre-rendered data still available?

If NAMCO managed to retain some data from the PlayStation 1 conversion, then I'm sure they still have the data in their hands like all the other arcade games they previously made.

Who want to Kickstart this?

I could but, would NAMCO approve this? We are going to send funds to a product that people know very little about. Maybe spreading awareness or advertising could do a good start but I'm not sure if NAMCO would buy it.... :-\

For the sake of authenticity, I'd find it best for NAMCO to utilize realtime over some other video format unless its necessary. I'm certain the PS3/Xbox360/PS4/XboxOne have more than enough power to display the CGI backdrop in realtime.

Galaxian Theater / Galaxian3 reboot on modern console gaming systme?
« on: October 08, 2013, 01:00:18 AM »
It would definitely be too good to be true for such a technological marvel to appear on today's consoles. But do you consider the computers that outputted the amazing CGI background images to be weaker than today's high powered computers? If so, today's powerful computers could be able to make such graphics that could match or surpass what the computers of yesterday achieved. Yes, a lot of re-rendering would have to be done but could it be done faster with today's computers.

I honestly believe that today's consoles won't downgrade the quality of older arcade games, because the consoles that came out then, seemed underpowered over their arcade counterparts. I have Starblade on three different consoles (Sega CD, PlayStation One, PlayStation 2) and can clearly see the difference each one was made for the specific console despite being underpowered to the arcade original (although the PS2 is awfully close).

I have seen some LD games appear on PS3 (Mad Dog McCree, ect.) there may be a possibility.

990400 10/5/13

Galaxian Theater / Galaxian3 reboot on modern console gaming systme?
« on: October 06, 2013, 01:38:25 AM »
In that perspective I'm afraid you're right. I'm certain that the masterminds at NAMCO can take their most advanced arcade technology and convert to other media. Galaxian 3 on PSX seems to be a good first step in that regard.

Galaxian Theater / Galaxian3 reboot on modern console gaming systme?
« on: October 04, 2013, 05:40:54 PM »
Yes I hope so too. As I played the game again the other day, I wondered if they were able to throw in Tekken 1,2, and 3 arcade with Starblade on one disc, why not throw in the Galaxian 3 games? Other classic System 21 games like, Sovalou, are on the Nintendo Wii and they still even bother to put Galaxian 3 on it (and it seems capable on the Wii as it can do four players at once)!  ???

Galaxian Theater / Re: Quickplay-Starblade
« on: September 05, 2013, 03:20:49 AM »
Thanks for your reply. Yes I understand the aspect ratio is odd because I recorded it in a wide screen format when the game itself doesn't go in that format.

Galaxian Theater / Quickplay-Starblade
« on: July 10, 2013, 04:43:35 AM »
Hello, Geosword X here with a quick play of Starblade recorded from Tekken 5.
I was pretty excited to find a much better console version of Starblade and this version is pretty close to its arcade original.
Trying to aim for a 1,000,000 points score against my Starblade Alpha score which is included at the end of the video.

Uhhhhhhh I don't think they mean the hand-held but this one:

Oh I see.....thanks for clearing that up.

Galaxian Theater / Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« on: March 22, 2013, 01:01:34 AM »
BRUNO YOU HAVE DONE IT!!! Congratulations on all your hard work and effort!!! You now have a masterful piece of NAMCO history completely in working order! Now is time for a celebration! Time for GALACTIC DANCING!! :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace: :pac:

(If only the Air Raid in my local area was re converted back to Galaxian 3.... :-[)

Also Bruno, if you ever do multiplayer with your mates, could you record the game play in HD? And, I know this seems to be a stupid question but it was in my head for the last few months :P, please answer the best as possible (others are welcome to answer too):

For the CGI backgrounds for both Galaxian 3 & Attack of Zolgear, do you think the backgrounds were developed from the NAMCO SYSTEM 21 hardware itself or did they use more powerful computers to produce the backgrounds?

And also (another stupid question), of all the villains and bad guys I've encountered in video games, why does Zolgear appear to have a hole in his (its) head? You go inside the hole to enter his body to reach the brain core but why is it there in the first place? All I can come up with is that it could be a breathing apparatus or used for other body functions? ???

Anyways, congratulations once again and I'll be checking in for future installments!

All the rest / Re: Star Wars fans? ;-)
« on: February 23, 2013, 03:09:15 PM »
When I was younger I was an avid stars war fan (mostly because I was into robots). I was a HUGE fan of R2-D2 at the time! Over the years, I somehow forgot about star wars until the X-Wing popped in my mind and now Im at it again! I have a nice star wars bed sheet with a X-Wing and TIE Fighter quilt. Also made and X-Wing plastic model and obtained a old X-Wing computer game! I don't know how this childhood phase got back to me but I sure am enjoying it! ;D [Now I can't stop thinking about Back to the for another topic. ;))

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