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General Chat => Dragon's Lair / Space Ace => Topic started by: DarthNuno on July 08, 2007, 04:55:29 PM

Title: Sir Benson... new interview with Andrea Martin, the creator
Post by: DarthNuno on July 08, 2007, 04:55:29 PM

"While most of videogames, in a few years (or months), disappear from the memory of the video-gamers, Dragon’s Lair, after more than 20 years from its creation, can still inspire new stories and characters. Sir Benson is one of these characters… Andrea Martin, the author of Sir Benson, is been so kind to concede us a new interview, especially for Dragon’s Lair Fans Website… I prepared these 10 questions for him…"

Vin "Mighty Pirate"

[VIN] When you created the character of sir Benson did you expect so much attention on the web ?  

[Andrea Martin] Honestly, I didn’t. I’ve been creating the first episode of the serial for a flash animation footages website, but just a little before his publication, the web site closed. I didn’t feel discouraged and I sent my works to all the websites that were treating “fantasy” stuff. Many of them, although appreciated my animations, were not interested in publishing it on their pages, but the boys of “Bluedragon” website were so impressed about it that they asked me the permission to publish the first episode. I was waiting for that ! Almost at the same time the association Satyrnet, leaded by Gianluca Faletta contacted me and offered me an entire website dedicated to Sir Benson. I accepted their offer, of course, so in five months the site was active, including two more episodes and many different  kinds of graphic materials (sketches, model sheets and unedited images). The people’s words made the rest.

[VIN] Tell us about your technique in realizing the episodes.  

[Andrea] Before everything I prepare a little storyboard, starting from a simple basic idea, for example : Sir Benson is on the top of a mountain, he needs to cross a bridge guarded by a soldier. Once the story is made, I create the backgrounds and the main characters, then I start to work on animation, made by many little animated clips (Sir Benson walks, stops, salutes, gets angry, etc…). All the characters, although they are made on 2D, are drawn at 360 degrees, so they are animated at more levels, as on 3D animation. Using this slow and complicated process, I created a “data bank” of the movements, that allows me to create many animations, making very little changes. Once “the heart” of  the job is made, I add sound effects and music. A global vision of the whole episode gives me the chance to modify some little particulars that I didn’t notice during the working process, so I can eliminate some “dead time”. When everything is synchronized to my idea, I insert the headlines and the episode is made.

[VIN] We know Dragon’s Lair is one of your main source of inspiration for your character, when did you see Dragon’s Lair the first time ?  

[Andrea] It was the end of 1984, I was 14 years and during that time, if you wanted to play video games, you needed to go to the public video game room. Inside one of these rooms I discovered that “cartoon controlled by a joystick” that was attracting so many persons.

[VIN] How long did you play it ?  

[Andrea] Really a lot. I remember I was spending my whole pocket money (my little  weekly “salary” from parents), desperately trying to go on and on. I wanted to see how the story was evolving. By the passing of time I understood how the game was working and when I came back home I was writing on a note book things like “ Flaming ropes room : left, left, left” or “Rolling balls : down, down, down, up”: basically to play that game was like an exam to me. I’ve been the first one in my quarter who finished the game, and after I finished I played it again, again and again…

[VIN] What are the similarities between Dirk the Daring and Sir Benson ?  

[Andrea] Both of them are knights and they live the same adventures, they share the same sceneries, the same “fantasy” background, they often use their sword, are very athletic and act like heroes.  

[VIN] What are the differences ?  

[Andrea] Every heroic action of Dirk has a good ending, it’ s always a triumph. The heroic actions of Sir Benson usually end with a “destructive” gag, where usually Benson, himself,  pays the consequences.  

[VIN] The character of Sir Benson has been slightly changed, during the course of his adventures, try to analyze these changes…  

[Andrea] On the first episode, Sir Benson has eyes and eyebrows, his quiff has a normal size and generally the head, arms, body and legs are proportioned, but already starting from the second episode the character shows little changes : legs and arms are slimmer and the body is slightly smaller. Starting from the fourth episode, with the shortening of the animation, Sir Benson changes totally his look. Even if he’s dressed at the same way, now his head is much bigger than the rest of his body, his feet are longer and his hands are bigger. His arms are slimmer, his eyes disappeared (hidden under the hair) and his quiff  is oversized. Basically the new Sir Benson became the “caricature” of the former. Changing his look, he also changed his temper : more cynical and shameless than before, his “goofiness” looks more deliberate that involuntary, as he accepted that as a part of his nature.  

[VIN] Every knight has a quest (Dirk is always busy in saving Daphne, the Knights of the Round Table are seeking the Holy Grail etc…), what is sir Benson’s quest ?

[Andrea] On the first episodes he was lazily moving from a forest to the other one, as he was always busy on a walk without any real purpose. Almost by chance he was getting involved in dangerous situations that he would be gladly skipping. Now, with the introduction of Yago, his tutor, he will need to train to became a great knight and show that he deserves to be “Sir”. The time to take walks is over !!!

[VIN] How could a character like Benson become “Sir” ?  

[Andrea] I will reveal it on one of the next episodes, but I can anticipate that it’s not because of some heroic action that he received this title.  

[VIN] Tell us about the future of Sir Benson…  

[Andrea] Sir Benson, by now for me, it’s only an enjoyable hobby, I create the episodes on my free time between a job and the other one. During the summer time I’m usually working a lot, so he goes to vacation, then I start again on September. Anyway I can say his adventures will continue…who knows, maybe on TV, also. Surely somewhere you will here talking about him…

A special thank to “Mighty Pirate” Vince and to all the friends of Dragon’s Lair Fans community.

See you soon…

Martin and Benson

...and here is a an unedited drawing especially for dragonslairfans.com website  :wink:  :arrow:


Additional Informations :

-The character of Sir Benson has been created at the end of 2005 “crossing” Disney’s “The Black Cauldron” and Dragon’s Lair and takes his name from Edward Frederick Benson (1867-1940) a ghost story writer (one of Martin’s favorite).
-Andrea Martin is born in 1970, he loves fantasy-horror films and books.
-Andrea Martin is drawing, animating and dubbing every Sir Benson’s episode all alone (!!!)…Only once he used an “external” help : on the fourth episode “Amor Scortese” the voice of the princess belongs to Martin’s girlfriend.
-Originally Sir Benson should be wearing a bag on his shoulder (just like Dirk the Daring) to keep things and weapons, but after Martin decided that taking the things off from his pocket is a bit funnier…
-The character of Yago is inspired by Star Wars’ Yoda and…a frog (his house is near a river) !!!

Interview and translation from Italian to English
by “Mighty Pirate” Vince.

Videos & more information  :arrow:  SIR BENSON (http://www.satyrnet.it/sirbenson/index.html)
Title: Sir Benson... new interview with Andrea Martin, the creator
Post by: mightypirate on July 09, 2007, 12:07:01 PM
Thank you a lot Bruno for creating a so beautiful and complete website, where we can "unleash our passion" without any saving...