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Messages - CommodoreRock

Pages: [1]
Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Dragon's Lair Arcade Cabinet With PC ROM
« on: October 08, 2014, 08:54:41 PM »
Haha.  Wow.  I didn't know all those variations existed.  Sorry also to have jumped right into strategy without proper intros, but I was quite surprised and confounded when I looked on the website the other day and found someone had bested me--no sour grapes, I congratulate whomever it was.

No, it looked like the standard cabinet I remembered from the 80s, but a few other differences I can add is that The Lizard King has more complicated moves at the end--not all sword, but S, L, S, D, S, Mud Men is S, L, U, R, U, L, U, U (I think on memory) instead of S, then all ups, and the Dragon at the point of getting the sword is U, R (instead of S), then S to block the fire, followed by a L, R and final S.  It took me some time learn what for me were new moves.

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Dragon's Lair Arcade Cabinet With PC ROM
« on: October 08, 2014, 08:33:36 PM »
So a local retro arcade has a Dragon's Lair machine with what I assume is the PC DOS version of the laser disc.  It starts with the drawbridge scene and proceeds mostly linearly (some randomness, but not the way I remember from the arcade versions I used to play in the 80s) through the crumbling vestibule and various other "Castle" scenes, one nine floor falling elevator separating "Castle" from "Cavern" scenes and finally the dragon.  I thought, based on conventional wisdom, that I had the highest score possible on that machine (378,517).  I played perfectly, dying only on the last move and completing on the last life.  This particular arcade posts its high scores, and I thought I had the max score possible.  Recently, someone scored 442,938 or something like that.  The machine is set to 3 lives and was not apparently changed to 5 to achieve the additional points. Does anyone familiar with this version of the ROM know how this might have been achieved and is it beatable?  Was there a trick I didn't know about?  Does this ROM reward completing in one life with a super score (something I had not considered before)?  Any ideas are appreciated.

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